My Mind is Very ADD Today. Yeah, You!

First of all, I want to point out that I have a wonderful vet, and a wonderful relationship with him. No, not like THAT. I was quite peeved that he chose to sleep Saturday night while simultaneously making the decision to have me stay awake and hold Grace's paw. If she would have been in any sort of danger at all we would have met at the OR at 1 AM. I knew that waiting wouldn't hurt her, but I also knew that she was going to end up in surgery. I was just trying to get it over with for her and myself.

That's cleared out of the way, so we can move on to more fun things. Like this.

Dontcha just love puppies? I do. *sigh*

The idea was put out there that we should put up a puppy cam. While I know the world is just waiting with baited breath to watch every move those little dears make, I can't do it. Besides the whole violation of my home's privacy thing, there are more pressing issues to consider. I mean, what if Micah would streak past the camera? Can you imagine the repurcussions of that? I'd rather not, actually. That would be a fail.

I spent Saturday night getting better acquainted with The Rebel. There are a few things that I'm not entirely happy about - the main one being the whole uploading and saving pictures feature. It's different from my easy point and shoot (oh heavens - something different!) and it doesn't automatically do some things for me that I'm used to. This resulted in me losing about 75 pictures forever. Thankfully most of them were of nothing in particular and were nothing spectacular, but it's frustrating nonetheless.

I'm working on it though. I'm loving some of the things that are showing up on my screen because of my new BFF. Me and The Rebel. We're really starting to like each other. A lot. I have high hopes of actually being a less-than-craptacular photographer someday.


Momisodes said...

That is such a sweet shot. So glad to hear you and The Rebel are getting along :)

And those puppies!


SunflowerStories said...

I am loving all the puppy photos! Oh how I wish I could convince my husband of the importance of growing up with a dog.

justmylife said...

The puppies are adorable! Glad to hear you and Rebel are getting along better....

the planet of janet said...

i am just *dying* over those pups!!!!


more pictures!!!!!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Ooooh, adding photography to your already huge list of talents?
Another gorgeous litter of puppies. It would be really fun for us to see how your house works with a puppy cam, but besides the Micah Streaking thing, granny panties might show up as well, right? ;-)

Anonymous said...

You know I can't go on your site when I'm at home, right? Because if Monkey sees those puppies, I will be on your doorstep. I will never hear the end of it. And, honestly, I want one of those little things.

It's just that I want to be a 'grandma'. I want to love on them and then give them back. I'm not ready for a puppy! Monkey, however, fully believes she is.


Keri said...

Are you using the s/w that came with the camera for downloading pics? It's sweeeet. You connect the camera via USB cable and wait. When your puter finds the h/w (camera), it starts the s/w ( EOS Utility, I think.) You have 2 or 3 options. Choose the one that says "Stars to download images." It will go to work. It creates a folder for each day's images. (Meaning that all the pics shot on 2-20 are in a folder named 2009_02_20.)

I love it. It does the organizing for me.

It may not be the way you have been organizing them, but it will still give you a starting point to find the ones you want to move to other folders.

What lens are you using? The pic of Micah and Becky is beautiful. But is someone about to give Micah "rabbit ears?" hehe

Keri said...

The Mighty Hunter's next assignment (starts Tues, the 3rd) is in the Pittsburgh area. He'd love some good restaurant recommendations, IF you have the time in the midst of snuggling on these adorable balls of fur!

JennyH said...

Love the puppies. Becky and Micah are precious in that picture.

Do you read Bethany's blog? Life with bubba, chicky and Nika. She has a Rebel and has really dove into photography lately. She also has a blog about her photography. I bet you could get lots of pointers from her if your interested.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

brooke is loving the puppy pics!

and you and the rebel will eventually become will happen!

Trisha said...

Your photos are great! The puppies are so cute it makes me want one! The photo of the two kiddos is heart-meltingly cute!

Andrea said...

Puppies are sweet!! And that last picture is great!! IT's always great to have aleast one Rebel friend!! hee hee!!

And my Nikon and I are having a bit of a tiff. I am having issues with the lighting and all. Ugh....

Anonymous said...

Ahh puppies are too cute!! Love both of the pictures!!

Aimee said...

You and The Rebel seem to be getting along famously :)

And is puppy fur made out of like spun silk or something? Because it just looks THAT soft . . .

Karen said...

Sweet puppies!!

Darling picture of your book ends.

Michelle said...

Oooo the cute widdow puppies! I love that shot of them all sprawled out and eating and sleepign and being cute babies.

And that shot of Becky and Micah is awfully sweet, too! Gotta love it when the kids enjoy spending time with each other.