Please Excuse Micah Because.....

Last week, Micah was out on Monday with an ear infection, and then on Wednesday he was stricken with horribly loose bowels and was home the rest of the week. Because of the swine flu outbreak a few years back, if any kid has diarrhea they automatically get sent home, or a free pass to just stay home for the day. We kind of determined that it was his medication making him soil himself uncontrollably, but all the doctor would recommend was an over-the-counter probiotic called Culturelle to help the stomach fortify itself against the drugs. They did help, but not in time to get him back to school last week.

So I had to write a school excuse to admit the boy back into the realms of learning.

Please excuse Micah from school on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of last week, he had........

Well nuts. It's just a little wrong to write the word diarrhea on a school excuse. I guess I could explain the whole situation, but seriously? It's not even 7AM. I'm too tired to launch into that kind of an effort. It would be a lie to say that he had the flu, because not even the medication he was on was for the flu. I could say upset stomach, I guess, but that really doesn't cover the span of 3 days and I'd look highly suspect. Why is this so difficult? I'm blaming the fact that it's not even 7AM and my brain can't function well.

Please excuse Micah from school on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of last week, he had the flu.

So I lied. It seemed like the best and easiest explanation at the time. And really, the way my stomach is acting, it very well may have been the truth.

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