Ah, Holiday Weekends

A lot of people go away for the weekend. I know this because we live in an area that people will visit on holidays and occasions. There is a campground at the other end of our road (thank goodness it's the other end, but it's only just a mile) and a state park about 2 miles the other way. Our little back road has been heavily traveled with people that don't belong aren't normally here. For this reason, I have pointedly kept myself at home.

I am becoming more and more of a recluse the older I get. I'm not sure I like this trend that I am seeing, and yet want to do absolutely nothing to change it. Clearly, I like my privacy. I'm turning into a crotchety old woman at the tender young age of 41.

While I was more than happy to spend all weekend in the gardens, I needed to do something to entertain the boys. It was hot and humid, and the logical solution would be to break out the Slip and Slide we had in the closet for the past 3 years. (Don't ask why it's been unused for so long. I have no answer.) Micah was dancing with excitement and brought the entire stash of swimming trunks to the yard in the event that an entire gang of boys showed up and were sans trunks. (I was lucky. That didn't happen.) (Although I would have actually liked that option. Entertainment for the boys is always a win.)

The hose was hooked up, the stakes were pushed into the ground, and we were ready to roll.

I watched the water spraying everywhere and thought, "the boys are going to have such a good time with that." And that thought was closely followed by, "GRAB YOUR CAMERA, WUMMAN, IT'S CANON TIME." Gardening was temporarily halted. I took photos of the boys every single time they slipped and slid down the plastic runway, because it's what I do.

They got fancy and creative for me, too.

And then the dog discovered the fun. First she recognized the free water fountain, and then she, too, got fancy and creative. I think this is what set her off. The look on Micah's face is truly awesome, and the dog could are less that she was about to get plowed into.

After that it was Game On.

That photobomb was the beginning of the end for poor Tink. While she worked hard at getting her timing down just right to hit the kids as they hit the grass, Micah didn't appreciate her skill. Being broadsided when you least expected it was not his idea of a good time. He insisted the dog be locked up before he'd slide again.

So after Tink was out of the picture, I figured it was time for me to get back to the gardens. Then the weirdest thing happened. The Boy Who Hates His Picture Taken told me in no uncertain terms to sit right back down where I was and continue taking photos.

I complied.

While Sam worked this whole weekend, preventing us from going anywhere even if we wanted to, I'm glad we had the opportunity to stay home as a family for a few days together. I seem to appreciate family time more and more as the kids get older. There'll be a day in the not too distant future when the kids are scattered far abroad and I'll be wishing for weekends like this.

I hope you are having some awesome family time as well. It's what holidays were invented for.

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