It's That Month Again!

Hello, October! This used to be my A#1, hands-down, very favorite month of the year. The colors are fabulous where we live. I've been to Boston in the fall, and our particular slice of real estate is every bit as grandiose. I kid you not. Plus the weather is the best ever. The temperatures drop down to where I get to don sweatshirts, and that's fun, too.

Recently, however, as in the last few months, I have decided that as much as I love October, it's not as favored as it used to be. October now means that winter is fast approaching, and the older I get, the more I dislike winter.

But anyhoo....

I'ts October! That means that it's Down Syndrome Awareness Month!  I kinda like that. And like always, that means very little here on this blog, because we live Downs Awareness every single day here. The dedication of an entire month for it seems kinda beside the point to me. But to you? It probably means nothing, too. Still, that won't stop me from talking about it, because OBVIOUSLY Downs is something that we care about here.

So in honor of the first day of Downs Awareness Month, I sacrificed a dime to the greater good. The boy wanted to help at the parking meter, so I gave him my dime. (Yeh, we're old school enough here that a thin dime buys you a whole hour. Have I mentioned recently that I love our small town?) Micah proudly marched himself to the parking meter, put his dime in the slot, and turned the crank. He bought one hour of parking for the car next to us. Awesome.

And that? is a picture drawn by our favorite nine year old with Downs.  The one on the right, with the privilege of having legs, is Micah, he said. The face with hair all around it, with tiny eyes up at the hairline (look closely, they're there), and the expressionless mouth is Luke. His drawing skills are coming right along, they are.

1 comment:

Annette Whipple said...

That picture is awesome!