*Becky started drum lessons three weeks ago. At her first lesson we were told that eventually she would need a drum set but it would be quite a while before she was ready for one. This week he declared that she's got an awful lot of talent for someone who hasn't had much training and she really needs her own set of drums. This is one of those bittersweet moments for us as parents. We couldn' be more thrilled that our daughter has incredible musical talent because neither Sam nor I are gifted in that area. But we're not really sure that having a drum set in our basement is going to be all that fun.

*I spent the afternoon outdoors again. I get all excited about the great outdoors in the spring and tackle project after project. It's a good thing, too, because once the heat of summer rolls around I suddenly become disillusioned and get nothing done. Today's project was making a support for the beans that I'll be planting. I'd already made a teepee for them but the kids said it wasn't big enough to walk into. So I remedied that. And now I'm wondering what on earth I was thinking when I wasn't thinking. The thing has it's own zip code, we could ride the horses through there and it's blocking my view of the upper garden. Or at least it will when the beans take over. Sure it'll be fun for the kids to walk through but if the monstrous thing blocks the sun from the rest of the garden we'll be feasting on beans and not much else. I think I may need to refocus my energies.

*Micah is housebreaking very nicely. For the second time in as many days, he took off his own poopy diaper and handed it to me. This is admittedly disgusting, but in our proud parenting euphoria we're thrilled that he's aware of his needs. Tonight I was going to bath him after the poopy diaper rip-off so I stripped him down to his pale whiteness. That quick he ran outside and peed on the patio. At least he didn't do it in the house. I've suspected for a while that we've had too many dogs. How on earth will I retrain my son to pee in the potty when half the residents of the house go outside to take care of business?

Becky is so beautiful! So sorry to hear about the need for a drum set. As a sister of someone who played the drums for years, do my best advice to you is invest in some very good ear plugs. And if you have a detached garage, even better.
I think it is wonderful Micah is taking off and giving you his own dirty diapers. Sounds like a good step in the right direction.
Becky is adorable!! And those potty training days!!!! LOL!! Have a great one!
kari & kijsa
Yay for Becky and Micah! And ... what's a garden? :)
Oh my, that is a tough piece of potty training:)
Funny Becca is my youngest. I LOVE the name, and your Becky is beautiful.
I love the potty training story.
Oh, and I'm jealous! It's still too cold for my veggy garden up here. I want to see pictures as the beans take over though!
So can I just tell you that boys LOVE a girl that can rock the drums? I have it on good teenage boy authority that's mega-hot.
How fun that you have a child who wants to play an instrument! I think it was you who asked where I lived-- Western Pennsylvania.
Way too funny! We did it backwards, I guess. We bought the drum set but have yet to pay for lessons. :(
I commiserate in the gardening department. We have rows of tilled up dirt and just a few measly tomatoes planted.
Congrats Becky!! That is so great! The drums are so loud! I would be a little nervous about them being in my house. At least you have a basement! It's great that she is so talented.
I guess next year the tall bean should be planted behind all the shorter plants. It's neat that the kids could walk through it! Fun!!
And my son is so housebroke it's not funny! Yesterday he actually pulled his pants down and pooped outside. At least it wasn't in his underwear! I figure, I live in the country and nobody sees it but me and maybe the mail lady when she drives by, but oh well. He will use the toilet when it's raining outside or if we are at a store. As long as they don't do it in their pants or in the house, I think that is a big bonus!!!
When I hear about things like drumsets, suddenly I'm a little bit glad we don't live closer to one another. Good luck with that.
Potty training sucks. That is all there is to say about that.
How cool are you that you give your kids drum lessons and are contemplating a DRUM KIT!!!
Good luck with the potty training... that is great, though, that your little guy is become more self aware!
Becky's totally gonna be a rock star! That's awesome!!
Total ROCK star! A female drum player? Look out world here she comes!
Oh a poopy diaper. Sigh...boys and their poop!
your garden looks soo exciting. i want one!
and it's looking like we will also be acquiring a drum set here. we might need to start a support group. or build a shed on the back 40.
Great garden, Karen - I too love spring!
Great Micah story too - too cute.
Have a good day - Kellan
A suggestion for the drums: We have an electronic drum set that looks very similar to a real drum set and also sounds like a real one. You hook it up to a reciever and speakers, etc. Best part? Earphones. The rest of the house and neighbors are spared.
I think I mean "headphones".
First of all, Becky is GORGEOUS.
Second, the mere thought of potty training freaks me out. I am so not ready for that stage with Evie. I think I might be the worst potty training parent ever.
Third, LOVE your teepee thingy. I think we need one of those.
I love randomness.....good luck with the drums!
You may be surprised about the drums... I really enjoyed listening to my son play and was sad when he moved back to the states after graduation. I got all weepy when they packed his cymbals thinking that I'd never again live with him and hear him practice. He actually records his music now and sends it to me, but it's not the same.
Hey, if he doesn't pee all over the bathroom? He's doing better than EITHER of my boys.
I tried to do a tee pee last year and it flopped so I'm liking the wind tunnel thing with it's own zip code. Hooray for Micah. Build an outhouse? I was thinking that might be a nice addition to the back yard with all our boys and my mommy bladder.
that is going to be a lot of friggin' beans *shudders* I hate beans...glad you're way up in PA. ;)
oh, as for the drum set, my co-worker was trying to sell one just the other day...would you like me to check to see if she still has it?
Micah is one smart boy! Let's hope you get him retrained before she starts pooping on the porch.
Becky is so beautiful! I think it's awesome she's playing drums... but a set in the house? Yikes! Do you have a garage maybe?
yah for micah!
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