Shopping Victoria's Secret

Micah is a great little shopper. I've trained the boy well. He actually enjoys shopping, and I love it. He hides in racks, he lays on floors, he holds things up and tries them on for size, and he sits down to measure shoes against the bottom of his feet to see if they're a good fit.

He walks from store to store, aisle to aisle, rack to rack, running his hand along walls, touching this and that, loading my cart with things he wants, or rearranging shelves to his liking.

I cannot complain about his ways of entertainment because I figure it gives the employees something to do on down days, and it's better than shutting down the establishment and calling for a Code Mother Misplaced Her Child Alert. But sometimes Micah's siblings can't appreciate a well behaved and highly amused child when they're with him. Take the other day for example.

I was at Victoria's Secret getting my courtesy pair of panties (no bra, please). I love that they stock my drawer for free like that. Those coupons just keep coming in the mail and it's kinda nice. So being as I was dumb enough to be at the mall on a weekend, it was crazy busy and I had to stand in line to check out. For free panties. (Seriously - sometimes I just want to tuck them in my purse, toss the card on the counter, and run.) So while we're standing there, Micah decided to try some thing on for size. He grabs a pair of red lace panties and holds them up to his shirt front as if he's trying a shirt on for size.

Becky. Was. Mortified.

At checkout Micah found a tin of lip gloss that captured his attention and he was adamant that he wanted that tin. (Tins are fun, I'll give him that.) After the 4th time of tossing it on the counter I asked the lady if she'd just hide it for me please. This worked for Micah since he now thought it was in that fun pink bag with the handles on. He reached for that bag and proudly carried it through the store, out into the mall, and down the hall.

Becky. Was. Mortified.

I told her it's alright, it's only his mother's underwear.

Maybe I should stop shopping and start putting that money back for the kids' therapy someday.


Anonymous said...

I can so just see that happening!!! I wish you could have taken a picture of Becky's face. Now that would be priceless!

I hate Victorias Secret -- they think I am insane because I wont buy 5 new bras at $55 a pop. Go figure?!

Karen Deborah said...

hilarious. They do not make underwear in my size at that store.

Anonymous said...

Hee hee. It's so easy to torture the teenager.

Flea said...

Maybe you should ask Becky if it wouldn't be better for you to be shopping for grannie panties with her instead of VS? Hmm.

Leanne said...

Priceless. Tell her, one day she'll laugh about it - in about twenty or thirty years.

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Well, I had some catching up to do around here. You are prolific girl! How do you find the time to blog so much? (You must type fast!!)

I've laughed myself silly! (Five kids -- twins even-- didn't wreck my bladder, but your blog is stressing it pretty good!)

Becky is gorgeous! Micah is precious! And you my dear are crazy to go shopping on a Saturday for FREE undies!

Thanks for the endorphin shot -- I'm high from so much mirth! : )

Keri said...

I love it! I can't wait to embarass my kids with underwear shopping trips. Right now, Sissy doesn't mind and Lucky can be easily entertained with a tag or a bowl or his shoestrings. But, soon? Soon, I'll have the most fun and the best evil laughs of my life at their expense!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog today and instantly added to my reader.

Micah sounds adorable! (plus, his name is quite similar to my nieces, Mika).

Kellan said...

Only his mother's underwear - ACK - you crack me up!

Nice to see you, Karen - have a good week - Kellan

Michelle said...

Yeah... you might want to take all the money you're saving on underwear and put it towards the therapy ;)

And I need to figure out how to get back on that list. My husband even commented that I was wearing my Sunday underwear yesterday.... said...

BWAHAHAHA! How old is Becky, now? Cause she sounds soooo like one of my teenage girls! I am thinking she is preteen to teenager... Oh honey, it gets worse!
HAHAHAHA! She will end up being your biggest advocate... someday. Promise!

The Sports Mama said...

I wish I could empathize with you on this one, but I just don't take my boys on those shopping trips with me anymore.

However, Becky is learning some awesome parenting skills to impart one day!

the planet of janet said...

alas, poor becky. she and the roo-girl suffer mightily at the hands of humiliating mothers and siblings.

on the other hand, if i haven't caused my kid to squirm with embarrassment at least once every day, i feel i haven't done my motherly duty.

Putz said...

now tell me about he your youngest????he has downs???

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i love those horribly embarrassing moments with the teen girls!!! sooo funny. let's make a meniacal plan to humiliate them every single day as much as possible....

AutoSysGene said...

Uh oh, I see couch time in Becky's future!

Thanks for the reminder, I need to go and get my free pair, too.

Have you ever noticed you talk about underwear a lot? ;)

Karen Deborah said...


Shellie said...

I feel like doing that runaway thing too. I love the mortification of teens, it's my hobby. Keep it up, Micah!

Karen said...

Oh that is funny!

KG said...


Granilla was never hawt enough to go to Victoria's Secrets to buy her underwear. Come to think of it, I've never seen her buy underwear. I think it's that old - as in she's never bought any since before I was born.
