I bought another Christmas tree because apparently I didn't have enough. Who knew? It looks super fab right there in the foyer, just like I knew it would. And it's really amazing what one can do to make a $20 tree look more like a $50 tree. Seriously.
Next year I'll get one for our bedroom. That would be fun, no?
When we built the house, my husband planned for my special brand of Christmas Crazy. He wired all the outlets in the living room just for the holiday. The bottom of every outlet turns off with one switch, leaving the top of each outlet still "live." That way I can plug all the holiday cheer into the bottom of each outlet and simply turn them off and on with a flip of a switch.
He had to remind me of this after I put him in charge of unplugging the Griswald's indoor display last night. I was nearly asleep before he finally pulled the plug on all my holiday bling.
See why I married him? He's smart like that.
The Ghirardelli belongs to Michelle at Honest and Truly. Congrats! And be grateful that I didn't eat any. Get me your address and I'll pop that in the mail for you. If you want, I can put a green Mr. Yuck sticker on it so that the kiddos don't eat it. haha
Tonight I'm sharing some of my craziness. Again. Tis the season, you know?
I've got a few of these families and am willing to share. I'm nice like that.
Oh, yeah! Thanks, Karen! I'm so excited to get my yummy Ghiradelli. I'm not sharing the caramel with ANYone, but I may share some mint if people ask nicely :) I'll send you a note with my address.
And I LOVE the idea of one live outlet and one that flips off. Your husband is brilliant. I think ours might have a step on it turn it on/off thing but we haven't put up a tree yet. I'm still trying to figure out how to fit that in.... Enjoy all your Christmas spirit and thank you again! :)
Good hubby!
I love those cutie little snowmen!!
ok, now how many trees is this now?
Those snowmen ate super cute!
Of course your husband is smart! That's my boy!! By the way, in case you forgot, I collet snowmen!
Oh no!!! I didn't win the chocolate???
Okay, well the snowmen are awfully cute too.
and your hubby sure is smart like that! wowzers.
Need a monstrosi-tree for your bedroom perhaps?
Pick me, pick me!!!
Oh cute! Snowmen are one of my favorite deocrations!
your hubby is so sweet :)
gah, i can't believe i missed out on the chocolate!!!!
christmas crazy looks good on you, kid!
I'm having a hard time getting into the decorating mood. My one tree we have up just seems to be in the way. I do love snowmen though!
Wow, what a great idea! You lucky wife.
those are cute. that is the coolest thing I have heard of with the light switches! woman you've got me beat with the Christmas trees.
What a great idea about the outlets...
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
blessings, kari & kijsa
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