Wow. Thirty-nine. How did that happen? Age has a way of just creeping up on you. I don't really mind getting old, but I don't even remember how I got here all of a sudden. I mean, next year I'll be 40. Forty! *sigh*
And then Sam said, "No, you'll be 38 on your birthday."
No, dear. I'll be 39. And you will, too, at your birthday in May.
"Uh, no, I'll be 38 like you. What year were you born?"
1971. Give me a minute. Oh. Hey! I'll be 38 this year! Well, that's kind of nice to lose a year for once.
Happy birthday to me. I'm another year younger.

Here's to gaining a year you thought you already lost!
I am liking that losing a year thing! Keep that up and you will be thirty again in no time!!
You just need to do that about 15 more times and you'll find be the age you look!
Woo Hooo Happy Birthday! Heres to being another year younger! I hate when I forget how old I am. Happens all the time.
We all know January birthdays rock, and that aging in reverse thing just proves it! ;) Happy Birthday, my friend :)
Funny!! Happy early 38th birthday!! getting old messes with your mind!
1971 must have been a good year! (also, the year my hubby was born)
Happy B-Day!
Suh-weet! You're just so young. And turning 40 isn't nearly as bad as turning 30 was. :)
Happy Birthday! Less one!
I'm loving the change of pictures at the top of the page, but it seems to be encroaching on the text... Is it my set up doing it? I can't see the name of the post.
you just have to laugh when you are so busy in life that you don't know how old you are!!!
and, btw, i have the big 4-0 this year. what in the world???
i actually did the exact same thing ... at about the same age. i spent almost an entire year thinking i was a year older than i really was.
what a gift for your birthday!!!
Haa haa haa!! How funny that your hubby remembers how old you are!! And hooray for loosing a year!! Fantastic!! So, happy early birthday!!
That is too funny. =)
Happy Birthday a little early. If only it really was that simple to get younger....
Happy birthday!
Hee hee... I'd like to try that except that I don't want to be the extra year older for awhile.
Scary thing for me? Realizing that my husband is going to be 39 in a few months. Man is he getting old ;) 38 though... still young!
Happy upcoming birthday!
No matter which direction you're aging.... eventually you'll end up in diapers.
Maybe you can find a way to stop the whole process at some point? :)
Hmmm so maybe if I can convince myself I'm going to be 31 this year it won't be so bad when I turn 30??? LOL I might try that!
Happy Birthday Silly Girl!!! : D
psssssssst . . . turning 40 beat all the rest. I'm LOVIN' the 40's (and I hear the decades improve like fine wine). I'm with Flea -- 30 was my lowpoint.
Enjoy your BONUS year!
Lucky you! Not everyone gains a year on their birthday! :)
I'm turning 38 this year as well. It feels to darn close to 40!
Happy Birthday, Karen, I think that's the smartest thing, the new math, you know... I started counting backwards at 40 and so far it's working for me!
Have a wonderful day :)!
ok, that's funny! Happy Birthday to you....young one.
Happy Birthday! How cool is it that we are both born in January and both named Karen, or is that just freaky? I will be 37 in a few days.
Cute earrings by the way.
Dude - that's you? I don't think I really knew what you looked like up close. You know - something with a big freaky green head and lots of warts. *snort*
Just think - next year you'll be 39. And you'll be 39 again and again and again for the next 7 years!
Happy Birthday ... so you are Aquarius. My aunt was an Aquarius - you remind me of her.
I just had one, it sucked, it will suck next year and the next year after that - and it will continue to suck for ever and ever amen. SOOOOOO - I'm done. DONE! I don't need anymore of those things.
Ha! Happy year younger birthday!
If Benjamin Button can do it, why not us?
Wow, next year you'll only be 37! that's so cool.
I'm sooo glad I decided to catch up before commenting-- I'd feel like a total heel for not acknowledging your bday.
I hope it was fantabulous! Happy 38th K :-)
Travis (hubby) is a 70's baby, hehe. 1976!
Your not old. 65 is getting old. 80 really old. Your ok :-)
I sometimes feel old. What mom doesnt? :-)
But when I tell people the year I graduated highschool... 2001.... then I feel young again HAHA
Happy Birthday! Heres to a great year 38-39!
I'm sorry I'm so far behind! I still wanted to wish you a very happy (belated) birthday - no matter how old you really are :)
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