It's All Fun and Games

What better way to start out the new year than with some fun? Everyone could use a good laugh after stupidly staying up waaaay too late on New Year's Eve and then getting up waaaaay too early on New Year's Day with the kids.

This cracks me up. I would actually love to have these ice molds because my kids would find them hysterical. And I could scare the bejeebers out of Becky with them. She's fun like that. But think what a riot these would be at your next office party.

Forget the Flushmaster 2000. It's all about the Aquariass. I keep wondering what happens to the fish when you flush. It's probably a good thing that all drains lead to the ocean. Honestly, wouldn't this be kind of fun to have? I'd consider it self cleaning, too. That makes it even better.

Fling Spoons are what everyone needs. I have no idea why they were invented, but their food fighting capabilities are rivaled by none. And they come in a variety of fun colors. Load the mashed potatoes, and call dibs on the last dinner roll.>

This gives all new meaning to the phrase Hot Dog! Hero will be your new best friend, because everyone loves a dinner of dogs so well that they want to invest in the in-home doggie grill. He is cute, though. I'll give him that. And it would be fun to use. Okay, I want one. I admit it. Are you happy?

There is so much wrong with the Hands Free Urinal, where to begin? If men are trying to avoid washing after using the facilities, I think it's a fail. Let's just hope that the helpful hand doesn't malfunction and accidentally neuter someone. I'm just saying.

This must be ever so helpful for the local street gangs. I mean, think what they could get done if they didn't have to lug around the boom boxes on their shoulders. Their hands would now be free to actually pull up their pants. That would be nice, no? I'm just wondering what these shoes will do to the rap/dance movement. What with all the jostling from merely walking you've gotta have quite a skip in the music. "Yo, Leo! You stand still so we can get down!"

Isn't the internet just the most fun when you need some cheap entertainment?


CC said...

I'm loving the aquarium fish tank!!

Anonymous said...

Holy carp - to the aquarium. Do the spoons double as bubble wands? I'm pretty creeped out, actually. said...

All I can think is if you found a man, brave enough to try out that urinal, then the next guy would be having his business held and I suppose shook off by the same creepy "hand" things.
And can you picture someone saying, "Stick a weiner in that dog."?
Too funny!

Flea said...

What a bizarre shoe. I want those spoons, though!

AutoSysGene said...

So many replies so little time.

I want a Hero, too!!

Hey it's Amy Benson said...

Heehee I think I actually need some of that stuff!! Happy New Year!!

Michelle said...

Wow, those are some pretty special gifts. Have you seen the stuffed pee and poop dolls? A friend of mine just sent me the link to those. Some things just make me wonder!

And I think you should SO get those molds and then die parts of the ice a little ummm yellow for the best effect ;)

the planet of janet said...

except for the hands-free-cuz-i'm-superman thing, i'm thinkin' i want ALL of those.

the ice thing would be perfect for our next family gathering ...

Danyele Easterhaus said...

u know i am sooooo buying the frozen teeth cube tray. that is soooo me!

pb&j in a bowl said...

HAHA! I can't think of any man that would actually use that urinal, but I would sure like that aquarium toilet!

Becoming Mommy said...

Those sneakers and the mention of street gangs, just had me imagining where they all fight like the Jets from West Side Story. It would have made H.S. Theology much more fun if the claw hammer gang fights I’d watch out the window had looked more like that. Imagine the choreographed possibilities!
Yeah, I know. I’m weird.

KG said...

I'm madly lusting after those ice molds, now. Seriously. They're almost as awesome as the green beans tote. Almost.

Trisha said...

Too fabulous for words! Thanks for finding all this great stuff to show us!

Andrea said...

Okay, I have to have those ice dentures!! I love those!! I need them!! I have a small tooth obsession!! I used to work as a dental assistant. I would dream about teeth!!

And that urinal, whuahahaa!! LOL!! do I have to say any more!! LOL, still laughing!!

Jennifer said...

Oh my!! Those are hilarious! How do people come up with this stuff?!

JennyH said...

Those are funny. I saw those ice cube trays on ebay a few months back looking for something else. Very strange. I think they are funny though. Fish tank- very cool. But- What does happen to the fish?! Urinal is jut gross!