I can see it now. You and your spouse are deciding where to go on vacation this year. You're getting a sitter for the kids and just taking a weekend away for the two of you. Something romantic and special. And then you see it. The brochure of a lifetime.
Honey! Look! We could have our own bathtubs! And they're outside! In public! And we can hold hands and turn to prunes together while we watch the sunset! Yep, that's exactly what we're looking for. Life just couldn't be any sweeter. We'll never want to come home again.
Who comes up with these ads anyway?
Probably the same person who orders snow in April.

Those ads are SO DUMB. Besides the fact that they're in a tub outside, I don't understand why they are people who clearly are NOT in need of ... er ... the services rendered by the drug. I mean - I expect to see somebody old and decrepit in those ads. Not a virile looking person, you know?
*end rant*
"Yes, something modern, avant garde, something that says youth... the sea air, waves lapping the shore... and a bathtub built for two, no, two bathtubs built for one, side by side... like twin beds..." ? Hmmm... I agree, I am missing something here, too...
Yea you would think if it really worked they would be in the same tub, or for that matter behind closed doors. :)
Oh and we are getting snow tomorrow... oh joy.
FINALLY! Someone put into words what I have been thinking everytime I see those silly ads...:)
And whoever ordered snow in April is on my crap list. I am SO ready for real Spring weather!
I told Sissy that blooming buttercups mean that it will get really cold again and that they will be frost-bit and die back.
She almost cried.
I love that picture!
I agree - the Cialis ads are just a bit weird. Even my hubby laughs at them when they show the bathtubs on the beach. How do you fill the darn things?
Snow in April is a bummer but it makes for lovely pictures of frozen daffodils!
What amazes me is that anyone would even consider popping that little pill after listening to the list of potential side effects that runs in the background! Erections that last for hours on end and may require you to seek medical attention?! Is it really worth the risk?!
(Spoken by someone who hasn't had sex in a very long time and thinks that it is highly overrated.)
You are so, so right.
You know, I'd actually be okay with the outdoor bathtub/sunset thing. So long as there was a giant boner in the next tub. Yeah. Sounds fabulous. A real treat. Relaxing.
Hmm, I missed that ad. The other day I was watching this ad and a man and woman were talking about who drives worse, men or women. They kept going back and forth about things that bug them: How they merge, how they stop, etc. I'm thinking what is the point here. The point: Men and women are different and now our adult diapers (not sure if it was Depends or another brand) are too. Huh? Some things really shouldn't be t.v. ads.
Oh good. I kept thinking there was something arty and deep to them that I *had* to be missing. Good to know I'm not. Or at least I'm not the only one who is!
Funny....I always wondered if they were indoors.....would they even need the drug???
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