The stipulation was that we couldn't put up the trampoline until we got a net for it. So we did. Ebay provided us with a sturdy one that promised to hold kids inside the confines of the bouncing area.
Last Friday we assembled the trampoline (then tested it before continuing further - it has to be safe for the kids) then cracked open the box for the enclosure. The box contained support poles, padded tubing to go around them, and screws. The net was missing. That is the enclosure part of the enclosure. We're working on getting a net sent. In the meantime the kids are on low-bounce instructions.
Micah is a bouncing fool. The boy loves the trampoline even better than his pool. Unfortunately he also finds trampoline time to be naked time. There is nothing like the sight of a boy jumping naked, trust me. It will be a very long summer while I teach the boy that clothing is not optional. I will succeed at this, though. Trust me.
Micah has decided that the best way to digest food is to pack it down and bounce it through your system. Immediately following every meal, he's out there jumping. He leaves the table and rushes outside. We find this amusing. What I did not find amusing was the fact that bright and early Saturday morning, after keeping the kids up late at a drive-in movie the night before, Micah stripped his diaper, peed on the living room floor, and went out to jump naked. The neighbors are loving us more every day.
Summer is going to be so fun.
I am also happy to report that I was able to jump on the trampoline all weekend and only had one unscheduled change of underpants. What? You think I'd let the kids have all the fun?

Fun! It's also fantasitc exercise. I think I'd be peeing more then once though. Sigh.
Fun! I hurt my leg on one as a kid though. I had to use crutches for a week- that sucks. Hope everyone is safe.
You got a picture of him with clothes!? I can only picture a boy jumping on one naked-- not pretty!
A trampoline!!! You ROCK, mommy! What an amazing fun thing. I can so picture Micah jumping naked ;). And good on you for not letting the kids have all the fun.
I have a fear of trampolines, though... unsuccessful attempts during gymnastics where I banged knees into nose during flips. Not too much fun for the nose :(
the exercise will strengthen your bladder keep jumping and see!
Micah is Micah the boy enjoys life. I think I might have swatted his little bare butt for peeing on the living room floor. He can be trained, he is showing plenty of signs. At this late age I think it will have to be that mom is going to win.
So glad you got a picture of him clothed jumping on teh trampoline :) I am not sure I was ready for a naked trampoline picture!!
What FUN!!! Trampolines rock! We had one for years in Florida, complete with enclosure, and the kids were on it constantly. They'd even take their sleeping bags out at night and sleep out there. The Hunny and I would take a blanket and lay on it to watch the stars in the spring and summer. Enjoy!
I'd love a trampoline, but my insurance company told me the day we bought our house that they'd cancel our insurance if we had one (the previous owners had one and hadn't yet taken it, so he saw it and panicked). I hope you all have a great time with it... fully clothed!
I LOVE our trampoline. Best Father's Day present we've ever gotten Jon. :)
LOVE the picture. Just looks like bliss to me.
love it.
but then we have already discussed how i feel about naked jumping ;-)
I wasn't allowed to have a trampoline as a kid (Granilla figured they weren't safe). Man - I think I would have spent much more time outside playing if she'd let me do more stuff without worrying so much.
I'm cracking up because I just mentioned trampoline jumping and peeing myself in my post. Sweet commiseration...
Hilarious! I want to buy one when the boys are older. And, thanks to you and this post, I now know that "older" equals potty trained and into wearing clothes.
Ooooh! The neighbors will get over it!
You know just bouncing up and down is GREAT exercise. For the kids and the grownups. Heh, I'm impressed you caught a pic with Micah clothed! ;-)
Once again, I am reminded of a reason that I am glad my boys have always been modest.
(And may God help them if as teenagers they decide to change this practice.... because I will be soooo not pleased.)
Wow, your bladder is stronger than mine! My twins used to jump naked too. Good luck!
Girl, we are sisters. I totally let little man outside sans clothes, but only when hubby isn't home. I've got no hang ups on naked kiddos.
I bet Hugh Hefner has seen naked tampoline action.
Oh, I LOVE trampolines!!! Awesome!!
I can't imagine a boy wanting to bounce naked. I would think it would be uncomfortable. But then, what do I know about boy parts.
Kayla would love to come to your house! She's a jumping fool too and loves the moon bounces.
I know I owe you an email; haven't forgotten about our IRL! We might be going away next week to WI so I'm still trying to figure out a date that will work - do you have any dates that I can work around?
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