In other news, Micah finished kindergarten today. His class had a clothespin auction to win the leftover classroom snacks. He came home with goldfish crackers, Cookie Crisp cereal, potato chips and animal crackers. He was a happy boy. He also gave his aide a parting gift as he peed on her while she tried to take him potty. What a fun last memory that is.
The aide gave me an inside tip that I would want A Certain Homeroom Teacher for Micah next year and that I should call in to the school to request her. I did. The school assigns all Life Skills students to one teacher, and it turns out that it's A Certain Teacher's turn for them next year, so it looks like we'll get a gem. At least he won't be excluded from events.
It's been cold and rainy. That's a fun way to start summer vacation for the kids. (The other three kids are out tomorrow.) Turns out, it's just cold and rainy right where we live. We drove to Pittsburgh for the guitar tonight and it's 15 degrees warmer and sunny there. Aren't we the lucky ones? I'm just glad that I got my garden planted last week because there is no way I'd get into it with all the mud. Plus, who wants to garden in a parka and winter gloves? Stupid weather in the mountains.

And yes, I know that the boys need haircuts.
Your house sounds like mine - we have drums, acoustic guitars, electric guitars, trumpet, bells and keyboards. The trumpet may possibly kill me.
PS. I LOVE the Woody shirt!!
I still don't get why they had graduation ceremonies before the end of school. Whatever. At least Micah gets the good teacher.
As for the instruments? Noise doesn't bother me. Even instruments. However, my husband's singing makes me deranged. I can't stand it.
Yeah... we're so not going in for the instruments thing... especially not the drums. But that's just because I played them in the fourth grade. Or at least the first half of the fourth grade.
Yay to Micah -- good ob with that clothespin :) I'm impressed they madeit all the way home, as I can see some children eating all those snacks before they made it home. And we... still have another week of school. Whoo.
On the plus side, I did turn in the health form for summer school, so Mister Man is offically in. Annnnd Little Miss can go do her happy gymnastics thing. Fingers crossed.
My next door neighbor tried to give my son a set of drums last year. It was then I knew she truly hated me.
This is Joyce. Oh we make a good pair. Picture the morning I had a perfectly good couch and two chairs on the tree lawn for garbage day. Why you ask? To make room for the four timpani drums that were coming home for the summer. The living room already had two drum sets, a five octave marimba, a concert snare, an electric keyboard and four music stands. I understand fully. What great memories though.
LMAO at the parting gift for the aide. I also just read the post about the kindergarten graduation. I am in shock. What happened with that. Did you post the final outcome and I missed it?
What's a clothespin auction? We have a digital piano that can play a lot of different instruments, but makes the most noise with piano and karaoke! Some days I just survive in a catatonic state.
My broterh in law keeps threatening to buy our girls drums. I promised him a shiny new puppy if he does:)
Look at Micah's shirt! You rocked it!
"Happy Summer!" she calls through chattering teeth. (I'm cold just reading about your weather.)
Make a joyful noise includes drums, guitars, and bass. Go forth and celebrate His love!
Congrats Micah! (You did it big guy . . . and mamma made it through.)
XO ~~ Debbie
I LOVE that pic! What a couple of cuties! And I believe the longish hair is in these days.
For us, it's a piano. Every family should have a piano (hubby and I were both raised in musical families with a piano, amongst other instruments). Unfortunately, we cannot yet afford a piano. But by the time the Pumpkin can start lessons, we WILL have one. I am determined. Because she already runs to it in both her grandmas' houses and wants to just play away!
So glad he's getting a gem of a teacher next year! Awesome!
My son ends K next week.
It is rainy here too. AFter 3 gorgeous, gorgeous weeks it started raining last week, thus ruining the last night of soccer. And rained throughout my zoo trip with our life skills class. Argh.
I'm trying to figure out how Micah's school works with homeroom teachers, etc. Our Life School program is just 2 classes (K-2 and 3-5) and the kids spend most of the day in their "rooms", except when they mainstream out to be with their peers.
I was looking at that picture admiring their hair! Micah's got some curls going there, doesn't he? My kids all have straight, straight hair. **Sigh** the grass is always greener.
Love Micah's shirt. I'm guessing that's a favorite. You did a great job on it.
Micah's shirt is AWESOME! Anyway, you already know how I feel about drums and electric guitars in your house-- you are pulling WAAAAAAY ahead in my New Moon choice ;-)
We have an acoustic guitar!! Oh I hope we don't graduate up to drums!! We don't have a basement......Hooray for Micah getting the good teacher!! That is going to be awesome......OH, and that Woody shirt is awesome!!
They look cute with long hair. What is up with the cold wet summer? It's getting a bit depressing.
I like their hair like that they look cute.
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