Is There a Snooze Button?

No matter what hour an alarm clock is set for, it means that you have something robbing you of a few more precious minutes of sleep. It tells you, before you're even awake, that you have responsibilities.

I've never liked my alarm that much.

When I had kids, I no longer needed that alarm. Turns out, my kids came pre-programmed to wake me. The worst part is that after nearly 15 years of parenting, I have yet to figure out how to set the wake-up time.

The good news is that as the kids get older, they sleep longer. The teen sleeps until the clock hits double digits, or would if I'd let her. Micah, however, is stuck in a perpetual toddler phase. The butt-crack of dawn is his favorite time to wake up.

Being a considerate son, he tries hard not to wake us. He quietly sneaks down the hall to our bedroom to close the door so that we won't hear his blaring television downstairs. He lacks the Gentle Gene, and slams our door. It's effective in waking even Sam.

Today he decided that a flashlight would be helpful to find his way down the hall to slam our door. Instantly my mom-sense was all over that and yelled, "I don't think so, son!" The rest of me was still asleep as I made Micah crawl into bed and lay down. He handed me the TV remote which I promptly put on the night stand. I laid a hand on him so that I could return to slumber but still know if he tried sneaking off.

As I was drifting in and out of slumber, I had flashes of light brighten my subconscious. Maybe it was lightning, or fireworks, or Jesus coming back. I really didn't care because I was so close to sleep. And then the light was blinding. BLINDING. Right in my eyes.

Flashlights are evil. I miss my alarm clock.


Flea said...

Flashlights are evil. But that is one DARN cute face.

Karen said...

I have a similar alarm clock. It usually wakes to finish the epic battle between his "guys" that didn't finish before he passed out at bed time. I love waking to "Oh...ohhhh.....ooooooohhhh noooooooo." Sounding like someone falling from a very tall building. If that hasn't woken me by 6:30, he's in asking for movie.

I'm off to hide all the flash lights.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you the number of times I have hidden the flashlights for this exact same reason. I'll give you a hint - it is equal to the number of times my kids have found the flashlights. I know they will only be this young once, and I know I can sleep when I am dead, but GOOD LORD - I am tired!

I do love Micah's consideration for you - what a sweetheart! And that face? Heartbreaker.

Roger Miller said...

That is a lovely thought, a snooze button for kids... I wonder if you can patent that. Although, I must admit that all of my kids like to sleep in, except for Timmy who just doesn't like to sleep, much to Jenni's chagrin.

As for me, as long as there isn't an earthquake or power outage, there just is no waking me up.

Lisa Page Rosenberg said...

I no longer remember what it feels like to wake up on my own, without the aid of a dog, or cat, or kid, or husband. (At least they're all more snuggly than an old-school alarm!)

Burgh Baby said...

I frequently debate whether it's better that Alexis demands that everybody be up with her, or if it would be nice if she would just go wander the house by herself once in a while. It's quite the debate. Sleep with destruction? Or awake?

I'll take either over a flashlight in the face.

Katy said...

Came here from Ellen's place. . .

I'm with you--flashlights are evil--espcially if they're needed first thing in the morning. That sure is a cute little face, though. If you're gonna be woken up, at least it's cuteness doing the deed!

caramama said...

My girl is SO into flashlights right now. We have also had to hid them from her or not replace batteries.

If you find a snooze button, please let me know. Occasionally, the TV in our bedroom works as a snooze. But not for long...