The V-Day Dilemma

We're not really the gift-giving kind of couple. At least one of us isn't. The other of us is actually very good at remembering major holidays and buying appropriately thoughtful gifts. That someone is probably not the one you're thinking of.

So to remedy things this year, I consulted Priceline about a gift for the both of us. Nothing says I Love You like a night away from the kids, the dogs, the farmette, the fire making, the snow shoveling, and the housework. I was going to be the best giver of gifts this Valentine's Day, and then Priceline had the nerve to laugh at me as it called me cheap.

I'm now back to the drawing board with the gift giving thing. I may or may not do what I've always done in the past, which would be pretty much nothing.

So tell me, internets, is Valentine's a big deal at your casa? Do you give your beloved other gifts from the large end or the small? Is it more like a box of his favorite chocolates (or maybe a steak) or something a bit more romantic like cologne or power tools?

Curious minds want to know. Thanks in advance for sharing. I'm not looking for ideas, just trying to determine how far down on the scale of suck I actually fall.


Beth Albert said...

We don't really do anything for these types of holidays. Neither of us care much for manufactured holidays. Every year we ask each other if we want to do something and it's generally not any different than any other day, a least for us. But we're both on the same page, so we're not upset when nothing is done.

It's not a suckiness thing, just a practicality. Then again, we don't have a lot of craziness to take a break from...

Tami said...

After 28 years together, we don't bother...I'm still here, and that alone proves I'm still in love! LOL!

Brandie said...

No gift giving here. One year I got some jolly ranchers in a wal-mart bag. I asked for roses once, then I saw the price tag!

Jennifer said...

V-Day is pretty much a non-event with us. We might schedule a date or something, or maybe a card, but nothing big. And it's not really that I'm opposed to the holiday, it's just... we're busy. heh and we JUST had Christmas. That's enough ;)

Flea said...

It's been all over the place here at Casa del Pulga. I, like you, don't give the Hunny anything for this holiday. Depends on his mood what I get. I don't really care. This year, though, we're going to a play and dinner. A friend got us tickets. SO I didn't have to do anything. And for the Hunny? There's really only one gift he wants, and it doesn't cost me anything. :)

My name is Sarah said...

Nada thing here until the day after. Then it's half-price chocolate:)

Michelle said...

My husband is more into Valentine's Day than I am. We usually do a nice dinner somewhere, but that's most of it. I don't do cards ever. And this just isn't a big holiday to me for whatever reason.... I hope you have a great one, regardless.

So how cheap was cheap for Priceline? I've never used it, and I'm curious!

Roger Miller said...

I used to buy flowers, but Jenni didn't really care. I'm not a big fan of the "Hallmark" holidays, and even though Valentine's Day isn't really "Hallmark" since it's been around for a long time. At least you thought of a nice little getaway, which is way less suckage than I. :-)

Karen said...

For varies year to year. Some years we go all out, others,simply a Happy Valentines Day is the extent of it. The Rocket Scientists refers to Valentine's Day as a "trumped up, commercial holiday." He just actually asked me if we are going to do anything for this Valentines Day. I am willing to bet that if you are grading yourself on a curve, you will do well.

Lisa Page Rosenberg said...

You have solved my gift giving dilemma this year - thanks again for the giveaway!

We do cards and flowers and maybe dinner out. This year I'd like to drive somewhere, park and take a nap.
Tres romantique, non?

Anonymous said...

At our house it completely depends on the financial situation we are this year it will most likely be a card :)

I am pretty sure he is not going anywhere and neither am I. We are doing alright without the HUGE romantic gestures. Anywho, I would rather he did the dishes :)

Cecily R said...

Jon and I have never been big Valentines Day-ers. Its just not really US.

Today he brought me some heart shaped Reeses peanut butter cups. The kids ate almost all of them. :)

Kimberly Wright said...

It just depends. Most the time its just low key.

the planet of janet said...

i once put little love notes everywhere ... in his wallet. in his pocket. on his toothbrush. in his underwear drawer.

well, you get the idea.

one of them is still taped to the shelf in his closet.

it makes me happy that it is.

imbeingheldhostage said...

We acknowledged it when we were first married and very poor by making a candle lit dinner or something. Then kids came and we had to focus on filling out 120 valentines cards for miniature people we didn't even know.
This year, I got my husband a new set of scriptures. Romantic I know. He needed them and there was a holiday I could blame the purchase on, so I did it.
You could set up a little "get away" in your bedroom for a lot less than anything off of priceline. I'm not talking the cliche VD either. Cold drinks in a cooler, fun snacks and some games. When's the last time you played a game together and talked and laughed without kids? Oh... you weren't looking for ideas, sorry.

You don't even make the suck list, Karen. The suck scale is for people who buy their spouse a thermos for Valentines Day.

Viv said...

In 15 years, my husband has remembered Valentine's Day twice. If you set the bar low, it is much easier to delight the other person. One year I got a rose, the other a box of chocolates...from Wal-Mart.

Please note, if *I* forget Valentine's Day (or any other occasion) he doesn't complain, but, he does pout...for days. Usually I do cards and treats. They all have gift bags that I fill each year, much like a Christmas stocking, just with less fuss. This year I am thinking about going out to lunch with Hubby, which I'll probably regret as he will complain about how much less expensive it would have been to fix 'it' whatever 'it' ends up being, at home.

Becoming Mommy said...

you and I probably fall similarly on the scale.
Every year we promise each other that we'll only do small gifts. Every year I keep my end and make him cookies, or his favorite icecream or something. Small, but thoughtful and effort-taking.
Every year he forgets the promise. Our first year? Diamond earrings. So on with the over-the-top every year after but a gift small in size so he swears he's keeping the promise.

Pam said...

we don't really do anything. We go out to get- but hardly ever does it actually happen on Valentine's Day. We don't even exchang cards.

Karen said...

Becoming Mommy - Don't you hate that?! That's exactly what Sam does - those huge over-the-top gifts, making me look so bad for not getting anything. Not that I'm not grateful for them...

Kaytabug said...

"how far down on the scale of suck I actually fall." Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!! You are FUNNY!!!
We don't really get each other gifts for V-day.
Since my hubby is away, I bought him a card. I didn't see the price of the card until I was home and looking at the receipt. I'm taking the $5.00 card back to wally world. I think that makes me further down that "scale of suck".

Anonymous said...

Our Valentine's Day has gotten smaller and less-fussy as the years have gone by - the first year it was a pair of diamond earrings, last year it was a small vases of roses (and him leaving to go to a lacrosse game while the kids and I ate frozen pizza.) I tend to go a little bit big for the simple fact that we don't typically do Christmas anniversary presents for one another. Last year I got him a jersey, this year I am eyeing a polo shirt. Hubby is on-call this weekend, so if I get anything, it will be whatever is being sold at the store next to the McDonald's he hits on his way home from work.

just jamie said...

I've never been much a fan of this "holiday." It's sweet. I get a kick out of the kids playing crush on other kids, the endless availability of chocolate, but really? Why?

Last week, my ex-husband noticed I was having a shit-ass week. (By "noticed" I mean, of course, that he noticed that I was being a major B#&ch.) So, he snuck into my place while I was working, and left a card with iTunes gift cards, a bottle of wine, and chocolate. He said he thought I could use a night of music, wine, and chocolate. Now THAT is love, if you ask me. Not on the 14th, just *because*.

So, whomever the one is in your family which struggles with V day... I dunno. You're certainly not alone.

Michelle said...

if you're far down on the scale then so are we...we really don't do much to celebrate Valentine's Day either...maybe cards and that's about it!