Go Ahead And Laugh. I'll Send Him To You To Babysit.

I am beginning to wonder what drugs the boy is on this week. There was the whole "let's be up for a few hours in the middle of the night for no reason" that we've already discussed, which means he should have been exhausted the next day. If you were thinking that, you thought wrong. Sam was shocked that I sent him to school, but he was up with the roosters asking for breakfast and ready for school. I wasn't quite so chipper, so I was only too glad to see his van pulling into the drive that day.

I put him to bed an hour early the next night to try to help him make up for the lack of sleep. He was out within 15 minutes (a record for him) but was up at 6:00 this morning. *sigh* There's just no winning with him this week. Today I found out that Imagination Movers is on at 6:30 in the morning. I would rather have had the extra sleep, but that wasn't a choice.

So you'd think that he'd be sooo ready for bed tonight. Again, you'd be thinking wrong. Two hours after he should have been asleep, I heard strange goings-on in his bedroom.  Upon going to investigate, I couldn't get the door open. He propped it shut with a chair.

Where does he get these ideas?

I am in a whole lot of trouble with that boy. He clearly displays toddler tendencies in so, so many areas.  And yet, his thinking skills can rival that of older children. Just when I think I'm figuring him out, he changes the rules again. I will always be one step behind him, scratching my head and cleaning up his messes.

Life with that boy is never dull. Ever. 

Have I mentioned that he had a diaper malfunction today? Yeh. Little round brown things were dropping out of it and falling out his pants leg as he walked across the living room.

You're all so jealous of my life.


Flea said...

I am so not jealous. I mean, your life with him is enviable and all, but I'm okay with letting you have all the fun. Really.

Big hugs to you, Karen!

Trisha said...

Jealous wasn't exactly what I was feeling while reading of your experiences of late . . . .

At least he is adorable!

imbeingheldhostage said...

No I'm not jealous, we have our own brown things and don't have diaper malfunctions-- just children malfunctions.

I get a big grin when you tell us what Micah is up to. Sorry. (Misery loved company?)

Lisa Page Rosenberg said...

I love following a crime scene trail...

Annette W. said...

I giggled at the brown things falling out of his pants. Please forgive me. :) ♥

Viv said...

Not a bit jealous, I can live through you! Really. ;)

HalfAsstic.com said...

See... I'm all "Little round brown things? It's not liquid goo? Hot damn!". However, H isn't mobile, so I don't have to try to keep up with the trail of poo all over the house. I sooo sympathize with you!

Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

Jealous? When I have my own "little round brown things" machine? I thought for a treat on Thursday I'd take my little machine to the park before school. She stood there, before the slide and filled her underwear. Thank goodness all the other parents and kids had left. I had to take her over to the trash can, have her step out of her pants and underwear and dump the "brown things" in the trash. I figure if you can't leave your dog's doo doo in the grass, neither should I.

Jealous? No. But definitely sympathetic! :-)