Meet The Nephew

Since my sister lives just across the road, the nephew has grown up here as much as he's grown up at home. When I talk about The Boys, half the time he's included in the count. He sleeps here when the mood strikes, does as many chores as my kids do, and is considered one of the family. Mostly because he is. I seriously thought about including him on my census forms this year.

Don't worry, I didn't.

So we're talking about Becky's prom gown the other day, and how friends are giving me flack because it's completely strapless and she'll be practically naked on the top. (Which, whatever. I'm the parent. See me care?) I asked my friend if she was going to show up on prom night with a tank top to wear underneath it. This led from one laughable option to another, and ended with the Dickie Discussion. Could you even imagine a strapless prom gown with a dickie under it? Or over it? How would you wear a dickie with a strapless gown?

And then The Nephew asked what a dickie was. Even after referencing Eddie on Christmas Vacation, he wasn't sure. So today I ran to Salvation Army to make a 49 cent purchase. The Nephew owns a dickie, and you know what he said? "It's something the Mexicans wear." Seriously, he did. We finally figured out that he was thinking of the poncho, despite the fact that it's lacking a lot of length, and sports a neck in place of a hood, and is knit instead of wool.

Behold, The Nephew. This picture, and blog post, is shared with the express permission - nay, insistence - of the one in the photo himself. Truly, life here is NEVER dull.


Viv said...

That is really awesome. I wish my children had cousins that lived closer and/or were closer in age. I am the eldest of my American cousins, and I love my littlest cousin to death, to this very minute.

The Sports Mama said...

Yep. He'd get along with my boys, too.

And? We got fitted for a tux this week for prom. He's just lucky I didn't sit down in the middle of the store and cry.

Trisha said...

Too funny! Mexicans wear them! Hee-hee! Glad that you set the boy straight. Say - do you think that dickies will ever come back in style?

Anonymous said...

I say strappless is a good choice. If Alex gets excited over elbows and shoulders the boy has problems.

Michelle said...

I'm just impressed that your local Salvation Army *has* a dickie there. And ummm that you knew it did?

JennyH said...

A baby Mexican could wear one!

That whole thing is too funny.

imbeingheldhostage said...

What the Mexicans wear. That's hilarious! Kids.

I had a dickie when I was in junior high, but more importantly,
Michelle has a point, Karen.

Karen said...

Our little area of the world is 10 years behind the times. It's not an exaggeration. People are just now cleaning dickies out of their closets, and there's a dickie on the end of every rack at Salvation Army. Welcome to Hicksville.

Karen Deborah said...

hilarious! strapless nekkid gowns? small gorgeous thin jacket of appropriate beauty. I'd freeze to stinkin death.