The Holiday Marathon

We celebrated Thanksgiving long and hard this year. We hosted dinners three days running, got in some shopping, spent time with both sides of the family as well as good friends, and ate a lot of food. Shockingly, I didn't participate much in that eating of a lot of food. I have yet to have a piece of pumpkin pie, and have only had 3 homemade cinnamon rolls in as many days in the line of desserts. (And we've got plenty here. OHMYGOSH, we have plenty here.) I had minimal turkey and potatoes, but will admit to eating my fair share of stuffing. I think I was just too tired to eat much, and that's okay. (The not eating much part, not the too tired thing.)

I'm exhausted. I almost got to sleep in this morning, but mom called and woke us at an ungodly hour on a holiday weekend. She called to ask how long to bake the turkey, even though she read the baking time to me from the turkey wrapper. And then she asked if I had a roaster she could borrow because my sister had hers, and she couldn't call my sister that early because she'd wake them.

Yes, she did.

She then asked if my dad could find the roaster in the pantry if she sent him over because she didn't want us to have to get out of bed. So she knew she woke us, but didn't care. She also calculated when she'd have to put the turkey in the oven, and it was 5 hours further into the day.

Welcome to our family, guys. Just.... yeh.

Our entire family agreed that perhaps we should go somewhere for Christmas this year. We've hosted every family get-together, happily, for 10 years. We live for this. We love entertaining. But this year broke us, and we just kind of want a quiet holiday to ourselves. It's probably the overtired talking, because those who weren't cooking for 3 days were Black Friday shopping for hours and hours in the pitch black and deprived themselves of sleep to.... say they went Black Friday shopping.

I love entertaining. I love cooking for friends and family. I love holidays surrounded by family and friends and food. But apparently I love sleep, too. Perhaps I'll be better rested going into the Christmas marathon, because actually running away from family sounds like a great idea now, but I can't imagine it would be very exciting come Christmas morning. After all, family is the most important thing you have, and we're so grateful to live close to both our parents and share all our life events with them.

1 comment:

Flea said...

One of our best Christmases as a family was the year we rented a cabin in the Smoky Mountains. We invited two single friends and just went. It was peaceful and quiet and we loved it. I highly recommend leaving. This year my boys will be driving to the beach the day after Christmas and tent camping for a week. I say do it.