T Minus 14 Days

It is exactly two weeks until Christmas. I know this only because I heard Becky say this earlier today while talking to someone else. My big Christmas tree is still in storage, I have zero gifts wrapped, I've gone as far as thinking about cookies, and none of the smaller trees that I've had up for weeks are decorated. (Except the one in the hallway that we did in a birthday theme for Luke's December holiday. But since it doesn't sport Christmas decor, it doesn't really count.)

I realized today that if stuff is going to get done, someone else has to do it. I delegated the decorating to Becky, and the rearranging of the living room to make room for the big tree and the getting of the big tree out of storage to the teen boys. Having teens at home through the day is a bonus. The boys did their chores and vacated the house for fear of having more work to do. They went Christmas shopping, so I let them go in peace. Becky took the rest of the day to decorate. This is okay, because we have a lot of Christmas stuff. One can't just decorate in an hour. And she did a stellar job, too. This is why I should have delegated a few years back. The house looks fabulous, and different than if I'd have done it. I have enough Christmas decor to decorate differently every year for about 5 years before it would all start looking the same. I probably need more decor, though. Becky asked if this was all we had. Um, yes.

Meanwhile, I was in the sweat shop, er, sewing room. I have been working on finishing up orders before Christmas, and all the other add-ons as well. And then I run out of white thread, which seriously hinders my productivity. I figured while I was waiting to get to town, I'd create some things that didn't require white thread, so I worked on a new line of dog toys. Cooper approves.

Speaking of Cooper, that dog needs a home. She's the sweetest dog you ever do want to meet, but only if she's an only dog. Her anxiety is WAY off the chart with these puppies in the house. She wants the puppies. All the puppies. Both litters. And she knows she can't have them. So stresses over other things, like the toys. THEY'RE ALL HERS, OHMYGOSH. It's kind of comical, or would be if it wasn't pathetic. I feel badly for her.

So now the house is mostly decorated, and the tree is in the living room. I may or may not get that tree decorated in the near future, and I certainly hope gifts will be wrapped soon because I love to see wrapped gifts reposing under trees in my house. It looks festive.

You know, for a month in which my calendar was completely clear because of puppies, it sure is busy. What just happened here?

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I was at work yesterday, looking at the planning calendar and I said, out loud, "Christmas is only 2 weeks away?!?" We have our tree up and I did very little decorating this year. Time is just going too fast!