About Me

We're very family oriented here. (Who wouldn't be with 4 kids?!) I home schooled for 6 years, then the kids wanted to try "real" school. With my newfound freedom I opened The Rocking Pony, and the kids are my inspiration. I've used their designs in my work with great success. Although my 7 year old wants to know when he's getting his proceeds.

The kids keep me busy, as any parent can testify. We shuffle to and from in between running hither and yon. And because we sometimes get a quiet moment, there are doctor appointments to fill the gaps. Our youngest is blessed with Down syndrome, and those with special needs children know that they're a world of work in such a different way than their siblings are.

When I get a moment of my own I enjoy playing with our "other" children. (We're proudly owned by 5 horses and 9 dogs.) And our 4 acres keep me busy with gardening, landscaping, transplanting, weeding and a futile attempt to grow grass in the front yard.

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