You don't see it, because it's not there. That little stainless steel and wooden bench in the bottom left corner? That's a toilet. Yes. Yes, it is. Simply slide the wood over the steel and there it is! A toilet. And when you're not using the johnnie it could double as a powder room bench. Handy indeed.
What are these morons thinking?! And what world are they living in?! What about pregnant women who pee every 12.3 minutes? They can't be bothered to slide that cover out of the way.
And what about toddlers who are potty training? They'd never find the toilet in time. We all know it's hard enough to get them to pee in the porcelain, but when you play hide and seek with the potty I can't think it makes it more fun.
And don't even get me started on the trips to relieve yourself at small o'clock AM. I don't know about you but I'm barely coherent enough to find the bathroom, much less look for the toilet. Sliding that thing back may be somewhat akin to lifting the lid, but most toilets in America sport the "lid up" look 24/7. Why even have that thing if you're into the "slid open" look? I'm just sayin.
But the best mental image of all is entertaining a crowd with that little gem hidden away in your guest bath. You've got a friend who had a bad reaction to the beanie weenies and suddenly you're one less friend and one more large, brown mess to clean up.
If you don't agree with me that this is the stupidest thing ever invented, you can purchase one for a bathroom near you, as well as steal the image for your own blog, at Julien.
Even with all your help and explanations....I still don't understand it? I can't even figure out how in the world it would or could work. I need to invent one of these dumb things so I can be rich too!
I WANT ONE! No, really. How fun would that be to stick it in your guest bathroom and wait to see how long it took them to ask where the toilet was? Oh, the fun.
But I bet it costs more than the $10 that I think it is worth.
That is so interesting. I don't think it would work in my house, but I sort of like the idea of anything doubling as another thing - you know - it appeals to my sense of organization and using space the best way possible. It wouldn't work, though - not in my house!
Have a good Thursday - see you soon. Kellan
Am I the only one who thinks this sounds strangely like an outhouse 21st C style? Creepy. Yuck. And, how, when the stainless gets gross on the wood do you clean wood? EWWW
I'll pass. And what the hell is it with getting older and having to get up to pee every night? I'm so done with that.
So weird. I mean really. How much time do YOU spend in the bathroom?!!! Don't get the obsession with making a bathroom all spa like. Everyone is so busy working like maniacs, there is no time to enjoy it!!!
As hubby said, "Eewww, in the middle of the room?" I get this feeling of those dreams I have where I can't find a private toilet. It looks like you are peeing in the middle of the room. I like my little toilet in the closet, thank you very much.
obviously made for people who have too much money and too much time on their hands!
I think that would be weird sitting on a box! Like someone else said, kinda like an outhouse. We sport the seat and lid down thing at our house. I don't know why but it's just habbit? That definatley isn't practicle.
I'm more concerned with the bathtub...how do you take a bath in that? Or even give one! Strange!
Wow...how comfortable can that even be? and what if the rollers or whatever stop working well and the psuedo-lid doesn't slide over properly??? at least a regular toilet doesn't usually lose its ability to have the lid open.
and we keep our toilets closed all the time, too...has kept kids and pets out of them (along with other non-flushable items like toothbrushes, markers, toys, coins, etc.).
Yikes...no thanks...not for me!
Happy Spring!
Eeewww. Really. Eeewww.
"Hide and seek with the potty..." LOL.
Oh my. What will they think of next? LOL.
Oh that is TOO funny!!!! You just know it was only a matter of time before someone redesigned the toilet.
Please tell me at least its hooked up to the plumbing of the house and not something you would have to "empty"
All I can say to explain why that wouldn't work in my house:
House full of boys.
'Nuff said.
I'm more concerned that someone will use that as a coffee table and forget to empty it.
I don't know, it doesn't look like the easiest thing to clean, especially if someone misses the target ... ewwwww!!!
How much do you wanna bet men will only half slide it an miss their target?
Is that big, upside down silver tissue box in the corner a tub??? :)
I don't THINK so.
These people don't have kids. That's all I can say.
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