I'm also using the moment to cheat a little. Remember back when I said I was getting a new purse? And you all wanted to see pictures? Well, it hasn't arrived yet but it's done and on it's way. Here's a sneak peak.

But for now this is the purse that I'm carrying. I just got it and am loving it a lot. The drab color hides dirt well. The funky oversized polka dots make it fun to carry. And the orange stripe handles add a fresh splash of color. I have a few problems with it, but nothing is perfect. The first is that it doesn't have enough pockets. We all know how I feel about that. And the second is that it's a tote and not a purse, which means that all the contents are right there for someone to reach in and help themselves. I think the sippy cup and diaper case are deterrents to would-be thieves, but still.

And this is what's inside my fun and funky purse. Or tote. Or whatever you want to call it. Did I mention that it's completely machine washable? Great feature, especially for me. Ever have a sippy cup leak in your bag? Not pretty, trust me on that.

My huge wallet that holds little to no cash, more receipts than Wal-Mart spits out in a single day, 2 insurance cards for each child and myself, all our social security cards and the unending membership cards for the grocery store, photo clubs, shoe store and all the other miscellaneous cards they require that you have to save a buck. Drives me insane.
Moving on... I have my checkbook. (See the fun doggy cover I made for it? What you don't see is the blob of horse wormer some child gooed out all over it. The expensive wormer that the horse didn't get but the checkbook did. It doesn't help knowing that the checkbook will never get worms.)
I have the diaper and wipes case that is essential for any mom with a child still un-toilet-trained. Holds 3-4 diapers and the back pocket holds the wipes case so that when you need to wash hands or wipe a snotty nose you can just whip it out and grab a wipe. It's a fun and funky guitar print because I love the colors and it's one of my favorite designers. Again, with the fabric addiction thing. And if you think you need one of these life saving inventions, they're for sale in my store.
Then I've got the extras, like a pen, lip gloss, travel pack of tissues, hand cream, mileage forms, business card pouch (also holds note paper), sippy cup, gum, cell phone, keys and a sleep time blankie with a loop for desperate situations. Micah rarely uses it, but it's better safe than sorry. Also nicely doubles as a towel or tissue in a pinch.
I rarely have junk floating in the bottom of it because that annoys me to no end. I usually clean it out after every trip into town. Can you say OCD with me?
we have that sippy cup too. Looks like my purse a bit (the contents). I figure no one will ever steal my purse or if they do, they will bring it right back b/c there is never any actual money in it.
Kewl. I like the orange stripes. But you're right, a purse must have pockets and lots of them.
I can never grow tired of peeking into people's purses!
Sassy bag, my friend!
OMG that purse you ordered is adorable! I may just have to get one for myself.
Love the look of the new one. And, must say you are brave to show off what's in it. I'd rather show a video of the jiggy of my naked butt.
The bag on its way is fabulous! We have that same sippy cup :) It's one of our fav's. you are so good to clean out the bottom of the bag every trip. My pile of crumbs and "stuff" from the bottom is so gross. I really need to be better about that.
new purse = super cuteness! I'd be scared to use it & mess it up but man is it cute!
This Tax Time thing of AFF's is getting expensive-- first I find a great Etsy store through your blog (thank you) and order a purse, now I have two shirts on order! And we haven't even made contact yet ;-) I sent you an email, I don't know if your spam filter got it. I'm loving your blog and your new purse is lovelY!
My son has the same sippy cup except it's Thomas the Train on it. Something tells me that the people who made your cup and my cup are the same people and are just using the same style cup to market different brands. This angers me. I thought I was buying a cool Thomas truck and now it's a cool Clifford cup. What's next? A BARBIE CUP??? I'm throwing it away.
What a completely fun purse!! I love it!! I think I need one of those diaper things!! It is a nice feeling knowing that your check book will never get worms!! LOL!! What a fun post! I love your new purse too!! I only have three purses! I think I need some more!!
These are so much fun. I like your tote. It is totally functional and cute. Polka dots are neat.
One of these days, I gotta do this. My purse is so cluttered.
Okay you better hide that pink one, because I'm stealing it!
Wow! It looks like you are a big polka dot fan! :) You might like my blog, dedicated entirely to all things dotty.
I just read a "what's in your purse" post, and let me tell you, your purse contents are very neat and orderly for having so many kids! Mine (and the person's blog I read) are not near as organized and full of all kinds of items that are just plain weird. The patterns for all of your stuff would even make a neat scrapbook page if they were paper patterns! You go girl!
So if all else fails, in a week I'll recognize you by your amazingly cute purse/tote. :)
I'm with you on the problems with totes. It seems like everything ends up grouped together in the middle.
Pretty darn organized in there for a mom to 4 kids! Impressed, I am.
I want that OCD! I have nine pounds of JUNK in my purse. Are you on your trip yet?
Your new bag is so CUTE!!! And your current tote is sweet ... and very organized. The contents of your purse are so COLOURFUL, indeed likely because you are a fabric snob (too funny!).
This was a fun meme; I'm impressed that your bag is so clean; I didn't take pix of my crumbs but they were there at the bottom of my bag ;)
Hey, your new purse is SO cute! I noticed your Giant Eagle card there. I have one too, but don't use it very much because they're so expensive here. I thing we should meet in Pittsburgh for lunch sometime with my sister Irene. How far are you from there?
Wow. I LOVE seeing this side of you; all the funky colors and patterns. Both purses/totes are darling, but I'm truly fainting at the site of your new arrival. Gorgeous.
your new purse is adorable!
and your old purse is remarkably organized and clean. mine is like 1/4 that size and is a mess.
I am in love with your new, soon to come bag! I'm way into making fun bags lately, and those gromets are king!
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