On The 12th Day of Christmas We Didn't Hang The Stockings

After I got all the other decorations settled into place in the house, I broke open the crate of stockings. I love stockings, they are my favorite decoration. Aside from trees, of course. I'm glad to see that one of my kids inherited my good taste in decor. Three of the four roll their eyes and laugh at my obsession. The fourth - my dear and wonderful baby - revels in my obsession.

He spent a very long time piling them all on top of Woody. Tigger seemed to be the instigator. I'm not really surprised. Tigger also had a turn scaring the dogs all over the house.

When they were done rolling on the floor, they lined up nicely on the couch for a break. But it was tricky who to sit with whom. Woody and the Roundup Gang were in the lineup as well.

For some reason I thought I had more stocking than I do. I'm a bit bummed. Sam has been the eye rolling extraordinaire when it comes to my many stockings, but it was he who suggested I find Micah a plush, stuffed Woody stocking. Those things? Are impossible to find. I can only guess that they exist because we did find a Jesse one. If it's out there, I'll find it. And it will belong to me this holiday season.

If you find one, please send me the link. I'm getting desperate.


As promised, there are 2 winners for the washcloth sets: Keri from Auburn Gal Always and CC from If Only I Had Super Powers. If you'll email your addresses I'll work out the details of those wash cloths with you.


I debated long and hard on what to give for the 12th day of Christmas. And in the midst of the debate, I opened a package from today's mail. Tempting though it is to regift this little gem, I will keep it and carry my Sunday School material back and forth to church in it. I'm pretty sure that it needs to be Christianized. And if there is any doubt in anyone's mind, it was a gift courtesy of Trannyhead. She's a good friend like that. I'll also let it up to her to explain to my pastor why I have a healthy love of vegetables.

So instead of a green bean bag, I am offering a stocking tonight.
Maybe I can justify purchasing another one (or four) if I donate one of my collection.


Oh - and? That toffee link on the right side of my blog? That's some kind of awesome candy right there. When I find something worth mentioning, I'm quick to share the booty.


AutoSysGene said...

OMG, if I don't win this one I'm going to CRY!!!

And I love green beans, too!! :)

Karen Deborah said...

I'm still waiting for your address to send Micah a little happy, puhleeze! kdmcgivney@bellsouth.net

Flea said...

I love the bean bag!!!

KG said...


You're welcome. *snort*

CC said...

I've won! I've won! Woo hoo!!!!

Love the Green Beans bag! Love what it'll do to your church :)

Anonymous said...

How do I get my hands on that Green Beans bag??

Oh, well, the stocking will be a nice consolation prize. Love the non-traditional colors!


Danyele Easterhaus said...

candy! yeah!
ok, karen, you know i am dying on the green bean bag! you have to carry that to and from the grocery...and then blog about the stories it generates. i want to see you hold a straight face while you make up stories too....so much fun! love the pink stocking! so cute! and who needs stocking hung? they are so much more fun to just play with!

kimmy said...

Funny story...all those stockings!


Trisha said...

Reminds me of when I used to play with all the Christmas decorations at my parents - when I was young, of course!

Anonymous said...

My only daughter {out of 4 like you} would LOVE this stocking!!!

The Sports Mama said...

Ok, so it's not exactly a stocking... but I'm pretty sure Micah would LOVE a Woody who brings presents!

And I'm not sure what I'd do with a PINK stocking here. Huh. It might remind my family that there is, in fact, a GIRL living here.

designHER Momma said...

ok, you just said that you have a "crate" of stockings....that's alot of stocking my friend!!!!!

love all your holiday decor! I do, I do!!!!

Michelle said...

Ok so I'm way behind. It's been a VERY long weekend, and I'm exhausted. Trying to slowly catch up though. Love the stockings, and I hope you find a Woody one soon!

btw I got your chocolates on Friday (you know, right before I headed to the hospital for the weekend :) ) Had I been smart, I would have taken them with me! I love the idea of mailing them in the tin. Brilliant!