On The Tenth Day of Christmas Micah's OCD Kicked In

This is what happens when I leave Micah to his own devices while I sew.

I am a little bit afraid. That is one strange collection of things, lined up a little too neatly, in the middle of the kitchen floor.


Random Number Generator Dot Org has chosen A Thorn Among Roses as the winner of the fun and funky Noel sign. Forward your address and it'll be on it's way.


Tonight I'm giving away a crayon caddy. This thing was a test model for the store, and I'm still trying to decide if I want to carry them or not. But in the meantime, it's sitting around collecting dust. No, I won't give it to my own children because I'm a mean mom. But think how cool this would be to put in the diaper bag, in your purse, or to keep in the car to entertain the little ones when they have to wait.



Anonymous said...

That looks pretty cool! I'd love to have it for my nieces!

Karen Deborah said...

Looks like Micah is getting into the decorating mood!

ClumberKim said...

I'm the mom who never remembers to have something in her bag for kids to play with. This is a perfect solution.

MommaSuds said...

Wow he just ligned tat stuff right up LOL.

The crayon caddy is just way to cute. A very good idea for days on the go.

Aimee said...

That crayon caddy is seriously awesome -- Sally would LOVE to use that while we are waiting for Fiver to finish therapy.

Jennifer said...

Oh I love that crayon caddy, what a cute idea!!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

wow...what a win!!! i was loving that sign! and that crayon caddy is pretty sweet too...i'm dong my first little giveaway on friday. i hope it's good. i'm nervous..is that stupid?

Leanne said...

Wow. This actually looks pretty cool. It's way nicer than the zip-lock bag I used to carry this kinda stuff around in!

Andrea said...

Hmmmm....yes a strange collection in deed.

And the crayon and paper holder is so cute! I love that idea. My mom used to make "quite books" for my kids in church. One pocket was for paper and pencil.

Anonymous said...

I. Want. This.

BTW- i think that your blog is absolutely hilarious...you should write a sitcom pilot.

Anywho, pick me as the winner of this giveaway!

HalfAsstic.com said...

Yes. It is brilliant and hell no, I want it for me! I don't think I know of a kid that would properly appreciate how cute and organized my crayons would be in that little gizmo!;-)

Michelle said...

I think it would do great in your store! I've seen them around on other stores and always thought they were such a neat idea. I keep crayons in my purse/diaper bag for Kayla and this would sure keep them tidy and organized!

Michelle said...

Gotta love what Micah's up to :)

The caddy? Too cute! I was actually thinking (as I drove home in blinding snow from the chiropractor's) that I could really use something to entertain the wee ones while there so they don't run around with the stethoscope and stretching and pulling it every which way!

Becoming Mommy said...

That is such a neat idea!

Anonymous said...

Karen that is the cutest little crayon roll EVER. I think you SHOULD sell them in your shop... another good idea would be a crayon holder tote bag that could hold coloring books with slots for the crayons, colored pencils or twist up crayons on the front of the bag.

I have been having a sewing marathon this week as well (WHY did I commit to a mostly handmade holiday this year?)... You don't have to enter me.. I just wanted to comment on that being a REALLY great product (cute fabric as well).


Penny said...

You should definitely carry those in your store (and the washcloths)! They are great.
Does Micah want to come to my house to decorate?

Anonymous said...

At least he didn't tell you to stop singing, right? I love kiddo collections.

caramama said...

Oh that's awesome! I wish I had a chance to come by yesterday and leave a comment in time!

Anonymous said...

My daughter ,Kendall,lines things up like that as well.Actually since she has gotten older,she has a "collection" she carries around in her purse that she lines up...LOL

K.T. is Mommatude

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

I know this is an older post (I'm playing catch up in my reader!) but thought I'd mention - I used to host the craft fair for our church and we had a vendor one year who made those to be worn around the child's waist. Not sure that would really make it more "sale-able" or not, but they sure were cute! Esp on the little girls! (Kinda a craft smock/crayon keeper all in one!)