My vet (the girls' dad) happened to mention to them on the way to my house that he hadn't seen my puppies in a while. So they asked Becky if he and I saw a lot of each other. (That sounded a bit like he was in the habit of just stopping in after work, which would be kinda awkward, dontcha think?) But I listened to the story.
Becky said, "Um, your dad is our vet. When we have puppies, mom takes them in about every week, so he sees a them a lot."
Okay, for the record, I do not take puppies in every week. It was just that one litter. And yes, they were there every week for 6 weeks, but it was just that one litter in 10 years of raising dogs. Really. But it was the last litter we had, so apparently it's fresh in Becky's mind, as well as the vet's.
So his girls said, "Wouldn't it be cool if my dad and your mom had an affair? Then we'd be like sisters. That would be great."
Okay, I know that I said I wasn't going to make New Year's resolutions, but I am anyway. My resolution? Try not to see the vet so often, it's starting rumors in the community.
Geez. This is not good, people.

OMG, look at those cute are they?
And I can't believe your having an affair with your could you? :)
That's how rumors get started....
Wow, that's kind of weird. It just shows how little kids understand the consequences of things. I think Sam better start taking the dogs to the vet. Or, maybe you just need to make sure there is always a 3rd person in the room, kind of like when you go to the OB. :)
The puppies are cute!
Hee hee! I love it. I'm going to keep spreading that rumor. Karen and the vet, sitting in a tree....
And I thought we were promised an update on the fridge ;) Darn!
Starting rumors is TOTALLY hawt. I approve. Wholeheartedly.
It's really bad when it the vet's KIDS who start the rumors. Things really bad on their home front? Geez.
The puppies are TOO cute.
Oh my goodness those puppies are SO cute!
LOL kids crack me up.
And that my friend, is how rumors do get started. That is so funny. Does your vet know that you are having an affair?
Those puppies are darling.
ooooh.... i'm telling!!!
cute pups.
As someone who is also at the vet (well, one of them. Our KBT has about 6) it seems every week, that is absolutly hysterical!
The scotties are just so cute!
oh but those little guys are SO cute!
Love the picture - how adorable are they?
Isn't it funny how rumors start? funny that they think an affair would be cool. (Except its not funny, you know?)
Cute puppies, though!
HaHa!! Hopefully your next litter will not be there every week!
Those have to be the most adorable puppies I have ever seen!!
And man, those rumors can spred like wild fire!! LOL!!
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