The Boy has been stripping out of his diapers more and more frequently. I really think he's gearing up for the Summer Streaking that goes on around here. One has to practice, you know. But sometimes it's just frustrating. If his diaper needed changed anyway it's not a biggie (unless it was more than just wet, then it kinda is), but if I just changed him, and he strips it off and tosses it aside as he streaks past, I get irked.
He did that Saturday night. A fresh diaper. It hadn't even been peed in. I gathered that thing up and tracked him down. He was just coming down the stairs, and as it was nearing bedtime and he was mostly naked anyway, I herded him right back up for a bath.
When I got him in the tub, I turned to get his shirt from the floor when I noticed the puddle. It was in front of the toilet. While trying to rationalize why on earth anyone would have a drink in the bathroom, and spill a bit right in front of the john, it occurred to me that Micah attempted to pee in the potty.
Let's take a moment of silence to fully appreciate this moment, shall we? I've changed diapers non-stop for 14 years, people. Every. Single. Day. for 14 years. I need to think about what life could be like with that element of my day completely cut out.
Wow, life could be sweet.
So anyhoo... Easter morning, Micah woke up and came to our door as usual. I needed to head him off so that he didn't let the dogs out (he just likes to help) but was leaked on when I picked him up. I carried him to our bed so that I could change his diaper and get him ready for church. He was not happy with the diaper that I chose. He clearly saw the training underwear that I pulled from the far reaches of his drawers. He wanted to wear them.
What the heck? I put them on him. He stood up, ran from the room, down the hall to Josh's room and yelled, "AAAUUUUHHH" (Josh) He patted the front of his underpants, turned around to pat the back of his underpants, and then realized that Josh was still asleep.
The boy was that proud of his underwear.
I put old clothes on him (I may be beside myself with excitement, but I'm not stupid) and sent him on his way. An hour later he was naked, and I found his wet clothes discarded in the living room. While others would think this would be discouraging, I am doing the Happy Happy Dance. The Boy is showing signs of potty training. Big signs. He just might (maybe, hopefully) potty train this year.
Easter is truly a time of miracles.

Love this post.
Happy Easter to your beautiful family!
Way to Go Micah!
Wow. THAT is awesome.
That is truly exciting. Did I tell you my son didn't potty train till he was six? I so know the pain you feel from that. On the bright side, my son showed anyone and everyone his underwear for six months after he started wearing them because he was so proud.
Happy Easter, friend.
It' so great that God cares about everything including going potty. I'm going to pray for Micah to get potty trained and be happy about it!
way to go mich
Aww - that's so sweet that he wanted to show his brother!
Good for him! Good luck on keeping your sanity though!!
Woo hoo!!!!!!!!! A lot of my students potty train during their K year. It's a big time! :)
That. Is. Awesome!
Does he have a button for potty on his Voice?
Now THAT is the kind of Easter celebration that I understand. Go, Micah!
Awesome! Hope his aim improves! Sean is a stripper/delivery man of dirty dipes, I am so looking forward to him moving past diapers!
Good luck! You've been changing diapers for a long time! "Potty" underwear is the best!
YEAH! What a wonderful Easter gift!
Go Micah! How so cool for you AND for him. Now just think.... the diaper changing will end, but the laundry duty may go up. For a bit ;) A change is always good, right?
Sending potty vibes {{{{}}} your way! That has always been my least favorite job as a mom.
I only changed diapers for eight straight years BUT the day I got youngest out of them I went to the front of our church and announced it. I was thrilled. Hubby thought I had lost it, but everyone else enjoyed my happy dance. Yep, we had a very strange and happy congregation. So, I hear yah! And I'm THRILLED for you too.
He's clearly more interested in potty training than MY kid. Just FYI.
He sure is showing signs and this could definitely be the year!
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