Someone finally got serious about Micah's lack of speech, and we were referred to a specialist. I have no idea if we'll find anything new out or not, but it's nice that someone besides myself is finally saying, "yeh, the boy is 6 and he should really be vocalizing something at this point."
Somewhere during the 90 minute appointment, Micah decided that he was done with the whole Being There part. He turned on full Fuss Mode and played it well. I was the stupid one who dressed him in jeans that had a broken snap and it drove him iNsAnE. It's what he chose to focus on. There was no getting around the fact that we couldn't fix his pants, and he wasn't going to let it rest. It was not fun.
We decided that since the snap broke on those jeans, and he has one pair with a broken zipper, and 3 pairs that are now considered full fledged capris, and 2 pairs with holes in the knees big enough to put two feet through (ask how I know), he was in desperate need of new pants. We stopped by Old Navy on the way home.
Old Navy has these new commercials featuring mannequins as the spokespersons. They also have said mannequins in their stores to greet you upon entering.
Micah. Was. Fascinated.
He walked up to one of the girls and gently reached out to touch her hand. He walked from mannequin to mannequin, looking each in the eye as he went. He walked around again, touching an article of clothing on each one. He walked around a third time trying to make small talk with them. And then he just stood and stared. In fascination. Or wonder. Or bewilderment. Or awe.
And then I realized that the poor kid has probably never seen a mannequin. Stores nowadays have headless bodies or clothing on hangers. Mannequins are a thing of the past. Way to go retro, Old Navy. My boy approves.
Congrats on the new pants :) Gotta love the sudden knowledge that you have no suitable clothes. We've neeeeever been through that here.
Here's hoping the specialist has something good and worthwhile to contribute! And the naked dolls? Just weird.
At least he didn't try to grope the mannequins. I know children who would run a hand up a skirt or check if a chest was real. I'm not sayin' whose kids, though.
I just said to my husband that tomorrow is class picture day, and our son does not even have one pair of shorts suitable for the occasion (they also have to run a mile) so I am happy to hear that I am not alone in experiences like this one.
My kid is totally the one who would stick his hand up the shirt or skirt, Karen. Just FYI.
Karen, that would also be my kid. While I was returning the ball he was trying to sneak out, Sam said that Micah tried to feel her up. Boys.
I am SO not into Old Navy's new "theme". Ewwwwww.
My kids also love the new "theme" Old Navy has going on. For some reason my youngest is bothered by headless bodies in stores!
Love this story and hope you appointment went well.
Hope you don't mind if I become your newest follower!
Those mannequins are interesting, aren't they? I am glad they have faces since the headless ones are just a bit . . . freaky!
I hope Micah is deciding to move forward on the potty training thing!
You know, I tool Sean and Ella to ON a couple weeks ago and Sean had the same reaction to those mannequins! He stood there and chatted to them while fingering their clothes. They are hyponotising!
Glad you found Micah some new pants. I usually like the fit of ON jeans on my boys.
Huh. I hadn't really noticed...but you are right. Mannequins ARE a thing of the past.
Micah walking around grabbing the hands? SO adorable!
I hope the specialist you see can offer some help.
Why is it that kids think the mannequins are the coolest and I am totally creeped out. I feel like they are watching dressing room cams and chatting to each other about how the size I took in will never fit!
Hi, I'm just reading your blog for the first time. Does Micah use a communication device of any sort? We love Aidan's springboard lite. He struggles with vocalizing, also, but he says so much with his device.
You're right! Manniquins really aren't used any more. Wow. I hadn't even realized.
When I was young, I used to love to pose with the manniquins. I would get up on the platforms and pose next to the manniquins and people would walk by and do a double-take. When my mom couldn't find me at a store (I wandered off), she knew to check the manniquins to see if I was there.
I doubt my girl would ever hold still long enough for that game.
At least they weren't nekkid. I hope y'all make progress with finding out why there's no speech yet.
I always hated maniquins in department stores, so much so that I wouldn't shop in them. They creeped me out. I'd see them out of the corner of my eye and think it was a real person. Creepy! Now I have to think about shopping at Old Navy. Hmmmm.....
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