The fact that Luke won't sign up for AYSO kind of baffles us. He says it's because he doesn't want to run all the time. Or because it'll interfere with his drum lessons (once a week). Or because he doesn't know how to play. We do not push our kids into anything that they don't want to do, so we respect his lack of interest in the game and allow him to spectate with us.
I will also fully admit that we don't push very hard for him to join because having two kids in the sport is enough running. I have no idea how families manage to run all over the place all the time trying to keep their kids in every sport under the sun. It boggles my mind with the logistics of it.
It's going to be a long season. Micah is not a fan of soccer games.
Cute puppy. I'm secretly happy when my kids don't want to do something-one less place to drive them to. I'm such a lazy mom.
do you remember last year with b??? oh my! this year is a whole new thing! and...cute pup!
I can hardly keep up with that one dance class that we have. I DREAD adding more.
Ah. Sports. My oldest three were especially involved, all the way through highschool
Now we pretty much just stick with city league basketball. Less stressful. Lots more fun.
Hooray for soccer season!! Ours is in the fall!! I love going to practice and games. The boys love it!!
That is one super cute puppy!!
I wonder the same thing... but hey, our soccer started April 18! It was COLD. I so get the not wanting to push too many sports. I see so many kids being shuttled by neighbors and everything else just to keep them occupied. I'm not up for that!
This summer is going to be a nightmare for me and running...but it's good right? Keeps me moving (and for me, right now, that's important), anyway. :)
We start the running this weekend; the boy's soccer and the girl's dance overlap, but only for the day (thank goodness). Girlie didn't want to play soccer again, which was fine by me... she just cried on the sidelines all last season.
I'm with Micah. I was able to get both Diva and Peanut in dance class at the same time so only one trip a week (for them) and one recital at the end of the year. That's the way to go for me.
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