Micah is in Life Skills, and his class has eleven students ranging from kindergarten to third grade. He was assigned to a mainstream kindergarten class for the graduation ceremony just so he'd have an assigned place on stage. I suggested that they move him to a side instead of front and center, to minimize the distraction. I envisioned the teacher in charge of the ceremony to go ballistic because either Micah would have to be reassigned or the whole class would have to move. Obviously someone so inflexible as to allow a special needs student to sit when others were standing would not go with drastic changes like the aforementioned.
The day after the confrontation with his teacher, I had to call the principal in our district on an unrelated issue. While we were talking, he asked if there was anything specifically that he could do to help with Micah. (I love that new principal.) I was reluctant to bring up the graduation mess, but he asked, so I spilled. I was adamant that I didn't want to be a problem, that I was waiting to see if my diplomatic suggestion would resolve things, but just please be aware of what's going on. He said he completely understood where I was coming from on this, and to let him know if I needed his help.
I was informed that Micah had graduation practice Monday morning at 10 AM. I debated showing up unannounced to watch, but Sam and I decided that being low-key is best. I would stop in the next day and ask how things went, and take it from there. I had every intention of driving to the school for the express purpose of casually dropping by on Tuesday, but early Monday morning the school called to schedule an IEP meeting for Wednesday.
I was a bit frustrated that I wasn't given more notice on the IEP meeting (because my life is so busy *ahem*)but then I realized that his teacher and both principals would be in attendance at said meeting. It might be the perfect time to address an ongoing problem. My plan was to talk to his teacher Wednesday morning before the meeting and go from there if I needed to.
Monday morning I kept an eye on the clock. When ten o'clock rolled around I prayed in earnest. For an hour. While I sewed to distract myself. I prayed that Micah would be cooperative, that the teacher in charge would be patient and understanding, that the problem would be resolved by moving Micah. I prayed for an hour, and then I waited. My God is big enough to take care of trivial problems like this without any intervention on my part, but sometimes He wants to teach me about faith and perseverance instead. Would this be a faith lesson, or would this be a test of my endurance?
Tuesday's teacher correspondence contained the note "Micah will be in the graduation ceremony. He was placed at the side yesterday and he did very well. He ran off the stage once or twice though."
Have I introduced you to my God? He's small enough to handle trivial things, and big enough to erase discrimination out of the hearts of those who come into contact with my son. Running off stage is a worse offense than sitting when others are standing, but now it's no longer a problem. Perhaps the principal called and casually mentioned something. Perhaps my mentioning that I really wanted Micah in the ceremony made a difference. Perhaps Micah's teacher realized that it was discrimination and told the teacher in charge to deal with it. But it's my God that orchestrated these events. Prayer does wondrous things.
Micah will be included. He just wants to be like everyone else, and next week he'll show the parents of all kindergartners that he is. Behind that extra chromosome, there is no difference.

you just made my day. I love you and Micah too. Our God is awesome like that.
Good. Our God is good. I love a happy ending. :)
Aw, good for Micah! I love the photo at the bottom of this post so much...
Oh, how well I know that BIG God with his eye on the tiniest detail. To God be the glory and praise. : D
(You did a good job, mom. Keep it up.)
Well, good grief, Karen. I already knew the end of the story (thanks, Facebook,) and I'm still crying like a baby.
This was such a wonderful post.
And you're right, our God is big enough to handle all the things we throw at him and definitely interested in the small things too.
Now, i've got to blow my nose.
karen, my heart just grew 3 sizes! yeah for micah...and yeah for god! isn't he awesome??
Yeah! I am so happy for Micah and for you! How awesome is that???
Such good news! God may be helping in more ways than you can imagine by placing Micah with this class.
Yay! So glad that Micah is part of the ceremony.
It's good to have principals that have your back (it's the only way that Fiver stayed at his school - his principal rocks), but it's even better to know that God has your back.
I pray with Fiver every morning before school - he simply says "Jesus be with me today" It has made a HUGE difference.
Yeah!!!!! I'm so glad it worked out and that Micah will be where he belongs.
And I absolutely LOVE that picture. It's just too precious!
Yay for Micah...you are a good Mommy:)
Your God is awesome...and so are you!
God is so good! Micah is fortunate to be blessed with a parent like you!
I'm glad it didn't have to get ugly. Congrats to Micah!
Whoo! Yay, Micah! And phew to whomever figured out how to make this happen with minimal fuss.
My only question -- aren't they required to give 10 day notice before an IEP meeting, or is that just an IL thing?
Yay! I'm so happy for you guys!
Read this yesterday and didn't get a chance to comment.
Really glad this is going to work out and your son gets to participate!
aaaaah, but there IS a difference-- a huge one-- He's got one of the best moms ever, and I mean that. God is good!
Woohoo, He is so good!
Wow I just got caught up with the latest - sorry to hear this was even an issue! Yeah, you would think they would have listened to you in the first place and not have placed him front and center! I'm glad everything worked out and Micah will be participating, as he should!
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