She needs therapy. For her knee. We'll work on the psycho kind on the next visit. Oh, wait, that would be for me. Maybe we won't work on that because I'm happy in my delusional state.
So anyhoo, I had Becky, Luke and Micah at the gym today for therapy (Josh was with grandparents). It was an interesting time. Micah got a foam sword at the Dollar Tree and has been playing Peter Pan and Captain Hook for two solid days. He did that at therapy, too. At one point a receptionist said, "you boys can't run because elderly people come in here" to which I thought in my head, "yeh, I'll get right on enforcing that." While the boys were rather on the wild side, they do know how to settle and act mannerly around elders.
This was all in the half hour before Becky even started therapy.
Once she was called back, I was glad to see that it was a rather young man that looked like he had a sense of humor. I asked if the boys were welcome in the back (because I'm not all that comfortable with my teen aged daughter alone in a room with a youngish male therapist - thanks Janet) and we all headed to a room where Becky was hooked up to an electrical machine. At the end of fifteen minutes, just before the time was up, she was so sure that it would stop sending fun impulses and actually shock her that she turned rather whitish and tensed. The girl is no end of entertainment.
We headed to the bikes, and Micah found the exercise balls while Becky pedaled to nowhere. I was ever so grateful that nobody asked us to not touch the equipment because let me tell you, an hour and a half of entertaining the littlest man is not my idea of a good time. The kid has more energy than I ever did, and I've lost a considerable amount over the years you know.
We snagged lunch (Starbucks Lite Mocha Frap, thank you very much) and headed to the church to practice drama for the play next week. I had an appointment to go to camp to look over the facilities after that and Micah was a fun time there. While I ran after him, chased him back, and wore myself out keeping up with him, I was also reminded that Holland is a slower world. While the rest of the group was hiking at a normal pace through the wooded paths to the cabins, Micah took time to step on interesting rocks, hang over the bridge to look at the water rushing below him, and look for fun cloud formations in the sky. I got lost from the group at one point. I ended up carrying Micah back from the cabins, and boy was I grateful for that hour on the treadmill each day building my stamina.
I stopped at Wal-Mart to fill some prescriptions and then had to kill a half hour there with kids who were done being out and about. Thaaaat's a good time if ever there was one. The fighting, arguing, yelling, pinching, pushing and running were a bit much, and that doesn't even cover what the kids did. (I kid.) (But the kids really did all that. If you have kids, I know you know what I'm talking about.)
I did find out today that a Caramello bar is only 1.5 Weight Watchers points per square. After an all-day marathon with the kids, I needed that. I ate the whole bar for dinner. It's a good thing, too. I needed the sugar energy to round up the ponies. Micah was playing with Woody's horse, Bullseye, when he got the inspired idea to let Bullseye go visit the real ponies. It was about that time that Bullseye whispered the notion that Tommy and Flash would probably want to run free and not be confined in their paddock like criminals. Micah was just doing what the voices in his head were telling him to. He stood there watching his trusty steeds run off down the road while I ran after them, trying not to pee myself from the exertion. Again, I'm grateful for the treadmill time. It lessens the urge to wet. Who knew?
I am beginning to think that this is the never-ending day.
The good news is that my pants are are determined to make me into a plumber (yeah! except, um, gross) but the bad news is that I do not fit into the size below without some serious muffin top going on (also gross). I hate the whole in-between thing. Mostly because I don't own a belt.
Just reading about all of that exertion made me tired! Becky cracks me up . . . did you by chance indulge her fear of being shocked just a little?!
Seriously only 1.5 points? That is wonderful news. How many points do you think a piece of cheesecake is from the Cheesecake factory? That is what I had for dinner last night. :P
I am impressed you didn't strangle your kids in Wal-mart. That is the worst place to have bored/ornery kids!
You're cracking me up. I was going to suggest trying a chiro, but oh real PT is probably much better :)
And I hate to break it to you, but I *think* that one square may be 1.5 points, but you can't eat multiple servings of the same thing and have it add arithmetically. I forget the exact logic, but I think you have to recalculate the points when you do a full bar and it gets ugly fast (thank you Steve Dahl for that lesson in Weight Watchers).
YAWN... I need to go to bed after reading about all this activity. I have had a busy week but yours takes the prize! Hope your daughter's knee gets better soon. And belts are cheap, or just grab some rope you have laying around the house.
Good grief! I am worn out just reading that! Bless your heart! For goodness sake, buy a nice cute belt for yourself. The way pants are riding lower on the "waist" now days I have to have one to keep them up, no matter how tight they seem to be when I put them on.
Geeeeeeeeez Karen! Are you sure that was just ONE day??
Dude! That's intense. Makes me want to take a nap.
I'm going back to bed - reading that wore me out! Girl- you need a vacation. The good news- school starting is just around the corner! (that is not good news for me)
You certainly had an "active" day! I am glad that you had that candy bar for energy since you certainly expended a LOT! I hope tomorrow is more restful!
Plumber's butt is a very good problem to have. Yay!
I would not have lived to tell the tale--you are a super hero.
My dh did several months of PT and had to bring both kids along with him. They tried to keep the kids quiet while dh was being shocked and otherwise incapacitated.... ;)
After a day like that you should be able to skip the treadmill! I hate chasing animals.
Plumber butts and muffin tops... you are too hilarious! This was a crazy long day for you... oof! Hope Becky's knee gets better soon, knee injuries are so, so not fun (as I sit here with mine mid-ache...)
argh. and just for the record, roo-girl's "experience" with a young male physical therapist was in an OPEN GYM AREA.
where i could see everything.
i just couldn't hear.
A Milky Way dark chocolate bar is only 6 points for the whole thing!!! I've been off WW for 4 years now, but, I've got that one etched in my memory.
A well meaning person at the coffee bar yesterday pointed out the free samples and questioned why I would want to BUY coffee??? The samples were decaf...and I don't thrive on coffee because I love the taste.
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