Look, Ma! A New Word!

Sam had off today, so he went with me on my weekly lunch date with Micah. I'd love the lunch date a whole lot more if we got to eat something other than fast food, and actually had time to sit and eat together. Hitting a drive-through and snarfing in the car isn't the best of quality time. But hey, one does what needs to be done.

So after driving through the Burger King Assembly Line, we divvied out food in the parking lot before venturing out onto the road. I turned around to give Micah his Whopper Jr. with lettuce and onions when I saw him trying to throw his shoe out the open window.

"The heck, boy?!" I said, because I'm a classy mom that way.

To which the boy replied, "gek."

Of all the things that kids will repeat, why is it always the things that they probably shouldn't? And yet, the boy learned a new word today. I can't be mad about that. Thanks in part to apraxia, he'll probably never repeat it, so I'm good.

That will not, however, keep the husband from reminding me of my faux pas.


Flea said...

We love your boy. You know that, right? If that's as bad as it gets,consider yourself mighty blessed.

Cheryl said...

Love it!Makes me smile :)

Katy said...

People are always telling me Charlie's first word will be something terrible, and could not care less. If says even one word I'm putting that business on FB for the whole world to see.

Annette W. said...

Oh, yes...the "joys" of apraxia! Yea for a new word though!

We have never had to worry about what we say (and we don't swear, but some things are still not appropriate)...until now. Recently Meghan has started to say things like "gosh," and she called Evan boogie boy once. So now it's time to be careful in our speech. We don't want her to call anyone stupid or an idiot, you know?

Trisha said...

But the question remains . . . did he actually get the shoe out of the window?

Anonymous said...

Go Micah! I supsect that should he happen to repeat that word over and over again, you STILL won't mind!

Cecily R said...

Hey, at least all you said was heck...could have been MUUUUUUCH worse. Ahem.

Michelle said...

Go Micah! Nothing says entering big boyhood like learning to swear ;)

Roger Miller said...

I think you might be on to something. If you swear around Micah, he'll start repeating words after you, then change it up a bit and start saying "truck" instead of the offensive word, but act like it's offensive...

Okay, I have no idea what I am talking about however, I do think it's awesome that Micah has a new word, even if he won't use it again. Also, how did you get that picture with all three boys in the air at the same time? Was it a one-time shot, or did you have to take a whole bunch? Because that is pretty cool.

HalfAsstic.com said...

Maybe he was talking about what he was going to throw the shoe at? No? Yeah, maybe not. ;-)