Awesome, no? Plaid, argyle, camo, printed socks. Nothing plain and boring for that boy, thankyouverymuch. He wore it for 2 days before I confiscated it. (He has a multi-pack of P&F socks.) And then today, because his plaid, camo & argyle weren't available, he chose something else to wear. I'm sorry there are no photos. For a visual, try picturing red & blue madras plaid shorts paired with a green & gray striped shirt. That boy likes visual interest, that's for sure.
I'm just a little worried that he's practicing for his first day back to school. They'll definitely know when Micah comes.
At least he dresses himself and has his own ideas about things!
Oh my gosh- Micah and Ike should get together! Ike has the same style. Except he has new black cowboy boots that must be worn with anything right now. At least everyone can tell he dresses himself!
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