Apparently We're Just Rolling In It

Micah is having a hard time being back from vacation. He's tired. We're all tired. Why he's tired is beyond me, though, because he slept in the van on the way down AND back, and Josh pushed him around in a stroller for 6 entire days while we were there. It could be the emotional exhaustion he's suffering from, but other than that, I'm baffled.

Still, he's tired. And I couldn't get him up in time for the bus at all this week. On Monday, I poked him a few times and he didn't even growl at me. I knew at that point it would be useless to waste more of my time in the futile effort to rouse him. He had a field trip that day and by the time he woke and was ready for school, they'd already left. He got a free pass to stay home. I put him to bed early that night, but it was lather, rinse, repeat pretty much all week. So last night I put him to bed EXTRA early, and hoped that I could at least avoid a trip to school in the morning. Between the cost of gas and the cost of my morning cup of Starbucks (what? you think I'm just going to waste a trip into town?) it's getting expensive for the boy to sleep in.

It took four days, but he woke on his own this morning. Before the bus arrived. He had another field trip today (gotta love the end of the school year, no?) so we packed his lunch together and had a good time in the kitchen. He got some green peppers, a spoon for his lunchbox, and $20 he found on the counter. The last one he neatly tucked into his pocket. I saw him pick it up, but right up until that moment, every time Micah finds money he puts it in my purse. (I've got him trained well.) I saw him pat his pocket and knew what just went down, and made a mental note to remove it before he left for school.

Mental notes are worthless before 7AM. I'm just saying.

His van was pulling out of the drive when I remembered what it was I didn't want to forget, but it was too late. I could only hope that he forgot about it as quickly as I did, and it didn't get taken out and lost somewhere. On a field trip.

Midday, my cell phone rang. It was Micah's aide. Did I send money to school with him today? Because he had $20 in his pocket and tried to use it to wipe his face paint off with. Was it his, or did he pick it up somewhere?

Sheesh. The kid thinks money is nothing more than a tissue. No wonder he always put it in my purse in the past. Nobody every gives mom anything valuable.

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