Mind Games

The first week of school, Micah had an accident in his pants. This has never happened. He's had accidents in that he's not wiped sufficiently and had things seep through his pants, but not where he's just not made it to a bathroom in time. Poor kiddo. Thankfully I was working at the school, they tracked me down in the lunch room, and I took him home to get some clean drawers.

For the record, the small child (who's not exactly small) didn't have a horrific accident. His aide noticed a tiny, wee spot and intervened so as to avoid embarrassment to my son. She rocks that way.

The second week of school Micah had an accident in his pants. This had only happened once before, and that was the week previous. Thankfully I was working at the school, they tracked me down just after lunch, and I took him home to get some clean drawers. Again.

The very next day, Micah had an accident in his pants. I was, once again, working at the school and was tracked down in the copy room. I was informed that he asked to go home. I figured two could play at this game, so I told the nurse to wrap those stanky underpants in a plastic bag, put them in his bookbag, and send him back to class commando. He's not going to go home every time he has an accident because he'll soon figure out that he can go home every day. Two can play at this game.

He really wasn't phased, but it did make him think of another tactic since that one didn't work. We were onto him and he knew it.

Today at school, Micah's aide found me in the copy room. (I spend a lot of time there while working at the school. I am single handedly responsible for an entire forest being de-forested what with all the paper I use in making copies. It's insanity.) Micah, apparently, came out of the restroom and said, "Poop. Mom."

So he's trying to just see me instead of going home now, because he'll do just about anything to get out of school work. That didn't work, however, because his mom doesn't need to be notified if he  poops in the potty. That boy. If he'd harness his intelligence to conquer school work, he's be a Life Skills genius by now. As it is, he's trying to poop himself to get an extra chance to get out of work.

So much to be proud of with that boy. *sigh*

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Micah = awesomesauce