

* The number of credit cards that have been hacked into and compromised. Also the number of phone calls from the credit card company to make me aware of the problem and tell me how they're fixing it. I'm way impressed with the Disney Visa Mouseketeers Protection Program.

* The number of ponds still not finished at our place. It's year 1.5 for that very same project and I'm still on the losing end of the waterfall. It may or may not get done this year, but if it does my money would be on the fact that the whole waterfall would be nothing but a giant plastic glob of glue when I'm done.


* The number of spaniels in the house that are shedding worse than a corgi. The heck, dogs?!

* The number of weeks that we have absolutely nothing going on this summer. I'll get back with you on whether that's a good thing or otherwise.


* The number of days the boys have left before school is out for summer. It can't come soon enough.

* The number of season passes we have to the local amusement park. Mondays are Passholders Get a Buddy in for Free Day, so guess what day our family of more than 3 goes?

* The number of hours that Micah napped Saturday. He also went to bed before 11 PM and slept in until 7 on Sunday morning. I could get used to that. Also, why does he get up earlier and earlier as he gets more tired? Shouldn't it go the other way?


* The number of kids gearing up for summer, begging to stay up later and sleep under the stars. I can't wait to say YES.

* The number of days before Toy Story 3 comes out on the big screen. Why yes, it's on our calendar. And it'll be at the drive-in. Meet you there Friday night!


Anonymous said...

I love these number posts! I am so glad the compromised credit card was caught quickly and that they are fixing everything! We too have 3 days left before summer vacation and are thrilled! (Of course, kindergarten starts July 6th, but we are planning some serious fun during those two weeks off!) And I so wonder the same thing about the napping/sleeping versus degree of tiredness - it is lopsided.

And Toy Story 3 under the stars sounds amazing! I wish our local drive-in was still open. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Toy Stpry 3 is on my calender too!!! I would love to tell you it is for the kids but really it is me that is the most excited :)

Good luck with the pond!!

Roger Miller said...

Toy Story 3 is a must this summer, especially with not a whole lot else out there by the looks of it. At a Drive-In, would be awesome, and I will be checking the schedule to see if ours will be showing it, which I am sure they will.

My kids are out for summer, and the action heats up with camps, etc starting on Tuesday. Whew. I don't think we have a week available for a quick breath until August, when school starts.

Hope the authorities catch the culprit that would even dare mess with you credit card. How rude! I'm glad to hear that the Mouse has it under control so quickly. I love that Mouse. :)

Burgh Baby said...

I won't say I told you so if it works, but I promise the waterfall thingamajigger container thing will help considerably. PROMISE. said...

Every time I see a commercial for Toy Story 3 I think of you. And Micah of course!
A drive in? Really? That is awesome! I haven't been to one since I was a teenager. There aren't any more left around here. said...

Oh, I love the new look of your blog, by the way!