Stand Back, She's Losing It

I do not function well on lack of sleep. It's been proven over and over again. And yet the universe thinks it's funny to see me walk around drunk from sleeplessness because it's very creative in thinking up ways to get me to this point.

Tomorrow Micah goes for his long-awaited evaluation for a speaking device. I've worked since July to make this happen and I am thrilled that we've finally made headway in getting an appointment. Don't get me wrong - much as I'd love to come home tomorrow with a device in hand, I know that kind of miracle won't happen. In fact, I expect to have to make several more appointments, months worth of phone calls, calls to specialists requesting reports and evaluations, consult with schools and therapists, and bungee jump from the nearest bridge before this process is complete. But we have an appointment. And I'm thrilled.

But I also have this puppy that I feed every hour round the clock. Nessie will be a week old tomorrow. I'm running dangerously near the cliff of mental breakdown. But I'm pushing on because really, I have no choice. I couldn't live with myself if I just quit on this puppy. I'm responsible for it's being here in the first place and if I wasn't prepared to care for it I didn't have the right to plan it's existence. Some litters call for more care than others, and this one is taking it's toll. But responsible I am, and responsible I will be.

So you see that I can't just reschedule the appointment, and I'm also pretty sure that the Children's Institute will be less than thrilled to have a puppy in it's building for the day.

Sam called this morning to tell me that he took off work to go with tomorrow. Not that I mind going myself, but sometimes if an appointment is over earlier than later we can enjoy the city together for a few hours before calling it a day. And I like that.

So I'm planning the morning and how it'll play out. We've gotta drop off Ness at a friend's house so she can care for her in my absence. But she lives the opposite direction from where we're headed. The good news is that we pass the school on the way to her house and we could save a few minutes if we dropped Micah off at school rather than wait on the van to pick him up.

Sam said, "What?"

I said, "Drop Micah off at school. We'll save a few minutes and will probably get to Pittsburgh on time. We should miss rush hour so it won't be so bad that we're going out of our way to drop the puppy off."

Sam said, "What?!"

I said, "The school is right on the way. We'll just drop him off." (Thinking, what an idiot. I have to spell everything out for him. How on earth does he manage to put one leg into his pants at a time every day.)

Sam said, "Micah is going with us to Pittsburgh. That's why we're going."

I said, "I knew that."

Let's just hope that tomorrow I manage not to make an idiot of myself in front of new doctors.


CanadianMama said...

Tell the truth, you never slept before this puppy anyways did you!

Kidzmama said...

Oh, yea, the kid. Sure. Good thing hubby's tagging along. You might just bring the puppy with you if it wasn't for him.

Good luck. I hope the appointment goes well and you enjoy a sunny day in the burgh.

caramama said...

It's a good thing Sam said something! I'll bet you would have been the puppy for the device, and then the Children's Institute would really think you are nuts!

I hope you get more sleep soon!

Karen said...

Thank you! You make me feel closer to normal. I was known for holding my youngest and asking repeatedly of the other children where the youngest was. Then getting progressively louder, because they weren't responding to me. Then looking at the toddler in my arms asking her to be quiet, because I was trying to get her sisters to tell where she was. Yep, sleep deprivation will do some interesting things to people minds.

I hope all goes well tomorrow and that it gets you a few steps closer to the goal. Enjoy your day in the city.

AutoSysGene said...

LOL! I was wondering why you weren't bringing Nicah with you.

Wow, you need some rest!

Michelle said...

Yep, definitely sleep time. Any chance that Ness will go nurse with Mom anytime soon or that you could get a hand with one of the kids or Sam when they're around so you can take a nap during the day at least?

MommaSuds said...

I hope the appointment goes well tomorrow and you don't have to jump through to many hoops to get what you need for Micah.

Don't you hate when the man makes you feel like your crazy.I hate that.LOL.Good thing you didn't drop Micah off at the puppy sitters and take the puppy to school and then end up at the appt all alone LOL.

Get some seep soon.

The Sports Mama said...

On the plus side, you're still ending up at your own house when you go home each day.

My neighbor kids STILL laugh at me when they see me drive by.

the planet of janet said...

fortunately, one of you is functioning.

it would have been pretty interesting to show up at the appointment without the guest of honor.

Pam said...

I'm pretty tired these days too and not functioning well if it helps any. Good luck with the appointment- and I hope school is going better for Micah these days.

Flea said...

I'm reading about you dropping Micah off and wondering what on earth kind of appointment this is that you don't need the actual kid in question. So glad you have Sam. Maybe you can leave Ness with your friend for a day or two?

Trisha said...

Good luck with your day! I hope things go well and Micah gets some help!

Good luck getting sleep!

Caution/Lisa said...

Thank-you, Sam, for driving her. I was getting pretty nervous about half-way through that post.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty funny! Go take a nap. I'm sure the puppy would like to snuggle with you!

Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

I was a little confused there myself. Glad Sam is getting some sleep so at least one of you is thinking clearly. Hang in there! Good luck on the meeting.

KG said...

Good Lord - I don't know how you keep up with that round-the-clock pupply-feeding schedule. I hope that dog is strong enough to not require that much longer.

And as for Micah? Good luck to him!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

laughing here...and praying all goes well for micah's appt. i hope he gets his device soon! look...all that work for the appt paid off...and so will u temporarily losing ur mind! ha!

JennyH said...

That is funny! Sleep is such a good thing!!
Hope the appointment goes very well and fast!

Hurry up puppy and eat like a regular puppy!!!

imbeingheldhostage said...

I love the "I knew that" response. Silly man, didn't he know you were just testing him for his alertness an abilities to operate a motor vehicle?

Hope all goes well!!

ALF said...

Just so long as you don't accidentally drop Micah off and bring the puppy to the appointment. Or drop the puppy off at school...

Burgh Baby said...

I'm just glad you managed to remember to take the poor kid with you. I have no idea how you are managing to so much as get pants on sometime during the day, to be honest. C'mon, Ness! Start eating on your own so Karen can get some sleep!

Leanne said...

These kids! Always got to take them everywhere, even to their own appointments. Sigh.

I'm glad to hear that you've got the appointment though, let us know how it all works out.

And puppy? Start eating already. Mama needs her sleep.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to get dressed before you leave the house -- that could be embarresing :)

Cecily R said...

I am SO glad Sam went with you. I know you are far tougher than me, but there is no way I could have handled it on my own.

I am SO happy about the visit's outcome!!!!

Wineplz said...

dude...if I was with you I would've tried to drop Micah off at school...because in my head I was saying the same thing "what part of that statement doesn't Sam get?" The sad thing is that I haven't been up around the clock for a week feeding a puppy.

Anonymous said...

It's Ok Aunt Karen.......My mom has those days sometimes too.....well maybe everyday!!!! haha!!!