Micah came down from his nap today, went into the bathroom, flushed, and walked out. I thought nothing of it since he frequently does this. Sometimes he even washes his hands before making his appearance again. He knows what a bathroom is for, I just wish he'd actually use it for that reason.
A few minutes later I had the urge to use the facilities myself. Upon seeing the toilet, however, I called my daughter in for reinforcements. Micah snagged a blue Christmas ball from the tree in the bathroom and attempted to end it's life by flushing it out to sea. Thankfully it's not large enough to fit down the hole, just fill it quite nicely so that it's very difficult to get something wedged in to get it out. Without breaking it into a million pieces and having that mess to deal with. And apparently it had been in there long enough to ingest half the contents of the bowl because it was full and heavy. And not coming up easily. Also? The paint peels off those things quite nicely in long, thick strips when they're wet.
I am now beginning to realize why having a tree in the bathroom is not the best holiday decorating idea ever.
The snowmen have a new home. They'll be headed to Janet's Planet for the holidays. Congrats! Email me your address and they'll be on their way.
Tempting though it would be to mail that scuba diving ball around the globe, I will refrain. Instead, I am offering this.
Only not that. It's actually Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin instead of just plain old Pumpkin. Trust me, it's way better. And would make an oh-so-fun stocking stuffer. What's even better is if you put it in your own stocking and act all surprised and thank your husband on Christmas morning. The look on his face would be so much fun.
woot! i'm a winner!!!!! yay me!
Yeah, you, indeed. Congrats~
I bet Micah would have a field day at my mothers house! She has a Christmas tree in EVERY. SINGLE. ROOM.
And how cute is your bathroom!
heh note to self: never put a Christmas tree in the bathroom! :)
Holy humungo bathroom...though I guess I could fit a full size tree in the master bath!! Joe would kill me!
Seriously, I'm beginning to think that the random number generator doesn't like me ;)
I will admit that in all my imaginings over boys and bathrooms and trees.... flushing didn't occur to me. Huh.
Micah makes me giggle. But if I were cleaning that mess, I'll admit that I would probably be screaming :)
You have more Christmas trees than anyone I know! I actually thought you had two trees in the bathroom at first -- one on the table (sink?) and one behind it. Phew!
We'll be lucky if we even get a tree into the living room, let alone the bath. Sorry about the toilet. Amazing all the things that make their way into those things.
hmmmm.....maybe a tree in the bathroom is not such a great idea!! LOL!! My boys would pee on it to water it. I could just see it, now. LOL!!
You crack me up! A tree in the bathroom??! You have to take pictures of all you lovely trees and post them. How many do you have? We have 1- yes, only 1!! Even that looks pretty sad. I don't put anything breakable on it b/c the kids take everything off of it all the time to rearrange it. Maybe in a year or 2 I will have real ornaments on it.
One year my little brother bounce every single glass tree ornament down the basement stairs to watch them break. All he could reach anyway. If Micah is interested in the toilet I would be encouraged to think maybe he'll get to trying it out. Have you tried M&M's?
maybe leave the tree, but take off the bulbs?
You can decorate it with toliet paper for garland - well, that may be too much ... but just garland.
Lmao my boys used to flush things all the time! I used to try not to put anything in the bathroom that doesn't dissolve! Thank God they outgrew that!
I LOVE pumpkin!
LOL!!! We had an incident with Darth Maul in the toilet years ago. Not fun.
Our only bathroom Christmas tree is a talking Douglas Fir, whose ornaments do not detach. I've long wished someone would flush that thing.
The Bathroom Tree is GORGEOUS! I wish my downstairs bathroom was big enough for a tree (other than the two one-foot tall ones that I put in there).
I'll have to keep this in mind if I ever get brave enough to put a tree in the bathroom (not that I have room for even one of those tiny ones...but you never know).
I'm finally caught up on your Xmas posts - I can't even keep up when someone hosts giveaways - SHEESH!
Its sort of a perfect little boy thing to attempt to flush an ornament down the potty. I mean, you gotta wonder if it will fit, right?!?
Yeah, the tree in the bathroom might just be too tempting...
Dude, am I EVER going to win your contests???
I'd love this one. Really. I would! Please pick me?
lol. Reminds me of the time Brett shoved 12...yes TWELVE...matchbox cars down the drain in the tub. Took forever to get those suckers out!
I lvoe pumpkin and sweet cinn pumpkin...oh. my.
u know i love that little guy...and that is so creative!!! i don't mean to laugh, but really! it's so cute!
I love the idea of the tree in the bathroom. Because if your toilet is clogged up with those big ball things, there's a tree for the boys to pee on.
Christmas tree in the bathroom? Hmmm . . . nope, no way -- I think my husband would try to flush it. You may be a mite out of control on the decorating thing . . . just a mite . . . but it sure makes for funny reading. : D
Just had to laugh thinking how you referred to Christmas Cr*p -- I didn't take it literally. *snicker*
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