He's No Tiger, That's For Sure

Special Olympics swimming is over for the year, and golf has officially begun. Micah's first night of golfing was about 39 different kinds of awesome.

The boy hit an entire bucket of balls, some of them landing a whopping 6" in front of the tee. Daddy helped with a few, mommy helped with one, and he did the majority of them himself. His stance and swing leave a whole lot to be desired, let me tell you. He starts by clubbing the ground, then moves into his swinging. He'll swing and miss, and swing and miss, and swing and miss, and repeat. But he's nothing if not persistent. After repeated misses with swinging he'll slice and chop and swipe. Eventually he'll manage to connect and the ball will roll down off the tee.

We enjoyed every single ball that he hit. His determination was commendable.

And when he was done with his bucket of balls, he gathered up every single one out in the field, refilled the bucket, and put it away for the next person to use. The owners of the driving range were amused to no end. I'm thinking of hiring him out for the summer as a ball collector.

We are on the lookout, however, for a left handed kids club. Cheap. We were about a dozen balls into the bucket before we remembered that Micah was a leftie. The kid is truly ambidextrous and he moved back and forth between sides all evening, but when push comes to shove he prefers left over right to get the job done. Do they sell an ambidextrous club? Maybe like a swiveling head? Because they should.


AZ Chapman said...

alright mich My special olympics golf dose not start for a few weeks but i am glad his did you should be able to pick up left handed clubs from a pro shop or ask the coaches of the special olympics come visit

AZ Chapman said...

alright mich My special olympics golf dose not start for a few weeks but i am glad his did you should be able to pick up left handed clubs from a pro shop or ask the coaches of the special olympics come visit

Carol N. said...

Better than Tiger! Love the pictures. Go Micah!

Keri said...

Love the collage! The story makes me smile BIG time too.

M.Hilton said...

So cute! Yall must have had so much fun!!

Teresa Dawn said...

His golfing ability sounds like mine. I'm also ambidextrous but I can't hit a thing.

HalfAsstic.com said...

You know, I'm not the least bit ambidextrous, and I'm right handed. Yet, I golf left handed. Always have.
Which is neither here nor there... Yes they should make left handed kids clubs!